Thursday, April 6, 2017

I Confess...

...I don't know whether I am coming or going these days!

...I keep hearing myself talk in the Olaf voice, "All good things, all good things!"

...I've spent so much time watching, reading and listening to uplifting podcasts, you tube channels, self-help audio books and I am fairly certain it is all beginning to truly pay off.

...New business ventures = life is crazy.

...Finding the time to "just be a mom" vs. "being there" is a bit of a struggle.

...I hate strict schedules, but I have got to find a solid routine!

...Currently looking for a house cleaner and less expensive with me universe!

...I'm so stinking proud of myself for the hard work I did the last few months with my stella & dot biz.

...I have also discovered that I don't LOVE living online.  It's great to a point, but I need human, face to face, real interaction to make my soul happy.

...Hubby and I had a weekend without kids (thank you Nana & Papa!) Seriously don't know where those moments went, as it was gone in a blink of an eye!! Dinner out, sushi lunch, met with our builder, Ugly Disco, Brunch, Real Estate work...we were busy bees!

...Speaking of the Ugly Disco, I will be sharing photos, I promise! We went to our first one 8 years ago! I think we look even better now haha! It is such a fun event and for such a great cause.

...In the middle of all of the hustle and bustle I am consciously making efforts to stop and smell the roses.  Life is short and we must enjoy the little things! (cliche, but so true!)

...There truly comes a time in your life where things make zero sense, so you stop feeding into them.

...Current Mantras: "Do fewer things more often and get better at them---FOCUS." And  "Success is determined by what you say NO to."--Steve Jobs

...I'm also loving Jesus Calling as my daily devotional.  I swear things are speaking to me and if I only let my faith and trust God, the universe, the Divine, I then live my best life possible.

...I'm SUPER excited to go to the Circus today, and by Circus, I mean Brooke's pre-school class.  She's a lion! ROAR!

...Bradley Boo is singing his ABC's, chatting up a storm, and really coming into his own.

...Brooke is currently obsessed with laying eggs, 'hatching' them, and pretending she's a bird. Bless.

...There are a million things I would love to blog, but I am struggling to find time to breathe!

....We finally invested in a Ninja---GAME CHANGER---I have been making what taste like Wendy's Frostys to me!  2 frozen bananas, a few blueberries/raspberries frozen, cashew milk with protein, 1 tbl of peanut butter, 1 tbl of Cacao powder, 3 ice cubes. Kids think it's ice cream!!!

...I am officially back at working out!! Beachbody on demand is my jam. Currently digging Chalene Extreme--love her! (Thanks Ann for the rec!)

... I am slacking in the dinner department. Any kid friendly meal ideas/clean eating recipes would be much appreciated!

...We keep getting a taste of warmer weather and I do believe I saw 77 on the forecast for next week!

...Currently Reading Mind Power If you are into the "Law of Attraction" get this book!!

...My youngest sister is 10 months clean. I am so proud of her.  Keep it up!!

...Something about the rain, a cup of tea, and the dryer going makes me want to blog, even at 7:30 in the morning.

....BOOM. I blogged!!! Yay!

...Happy Thursday friends!!