Thursday, July 20, 2017

Confessions & Laughs

Happy Thursday!!

I confess that...

It was a rough week last week.  This one decided to run out back after a Husky, when Joe & the kids were getting a lawn mower out of the shed.  Thank goodness she is okay, but she had some gashes/bite wounds and major bruising.  She thinks she's a big dog.

I've been really trying to eat clean, but when hubby brings home banana cream donuts from Donuts Delite....

One cannot resist.

These two have been soaking up sweet Summer.  Lil man loves his watermelon (mama loves that he can eat it in a diaper outside) and lil miss loves magic dance camp.

I have finished quite a few books lately so I will have to share my thoughts/reviews.  THIS one author however, is speaking volumes to me.

My heart was happy to see one of my favorite flowers on sale at the grocery store.

The kids and I met up with a friend at the splash pad.  Brooke loved loved loved the water.  Bradley, not so much.  (Daddy much?)

The struggle is real.  Which nails to do for my birthday weekend?!  {Clearly some form of pink and glitter!}





I was so blessed with some early birthday flowers from friends and my Fall samples arrived!

Hubby said I'm hard to buy for. Say whaaaaaaa?  So I googled my favorite champs and sent him this.

Speaking of, so last night after I tidied up the house, did the dishes, got the kids to bed and sat down to look through the new SD catalog, I meant to voice text my bestie about the new BLACK HORN necklace that I'm dying over.

This was too funny not to share.  Somehow even though I clicked on her name, my watch sent a text to my husband and instead of horn, siri heard:

Needless to say there was a very quick facetime call after he got that first message!!! Ha

Bradley and I played with snapchat---silliness.

Bubs also insisted he sit in the blue car like Daddy's.  Anything with wheels and motors...

Another giggle.

Joe sent me this meme to see my response. {pardon the language}

My response,

"But the real question is, why is he even holding a dish?!"

He told me I was funny, and I replied with:

I'm really trying to not take life too seriously.  It's really a lot more fun when you're lighter on your feet.

On a random note, holy caffeine buzz from this! I usually drink green tea but one of these made me zoom around the house after 4pm.  And I made it myself. #winning

Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

I am

When I was a teacher, one of my favorite things to do with my students was the "I am" poem.  I absolutely loved our poetry unit, as it really helped me get to know my students on a new level, but also let them get to know themselves.  I took a grad class with an amazing teacher and we got to do a lot of creative writing.

One lesson he taught was simple.  Let your students tell them about yourself simply by completing:

I am...

Of course like any good teacher I would do this assignment right along with my students.  I let them see a little bit more of me and open that door of communication.

It also reminds me of Steve Chandler's 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, he talks about children writing a "Lie Poem" where they speak of all of these amazing things they do in life.

We should be more like our kids.  Speak the truth that we want to be.

I'm not sure exactly how or why this popped into my head this morning, but after reading my daily devotionals, I felt drawn to write in my journal.

I clearly then felt the need to bang my fingers against this black keyboard and share my current "I am."  I wish I could find my examples from years ago; oh how much I have grown! I'm putting a twist on this one though and only allowing myself to complete positive thoughts.

I am-

an amazing wife.

a strong and patient mother of two.

a girl mom.

a boy mom.

a stay at home mom.

a work at home mom.

living my dream life.

loving, compassionate and caring to all things.

about to turn 36 years old.

blessed with a beautiful home.

healthy, whole and in great shape.

proud of my body, birthing two healthy babies.

a lover of green tea lattes and fine wine.

passionate about living my life to its fullest.

slow and articulate, enjoying every season of life.


witty, charming and can talk to anyone freely.

full of heart always helping others.

a runner.

a yogi.

a nature lover.

free from reflux and tinnitus. 

full of grace, peace and love.

present in the moment.


accepting of myself 

a dancer.




a Summer girl.

a writer, a reader and a published author.

a lover of healthy foods.

someone who helps others find a home in unconventional ways.

a peacemaker.

a loyal friend.



loving meditation.

always up to try something new.

a lifelong learner.


a traveler who loves to explore new people, places and things.



I am Me.

Want to try it?  Don't filter your thoughts, just let it flow.  Try to stay optimistic and speak in the present tense.  Yes, EVEN if you find yourself writing something negative, switch it to the positive.   I will be honest and say that I've been feeling a bit in a funk these few days and I found that writing always helps, especially something like this.  Let me know if you write your own! 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


We celebrated SEVEN years on July 10th.  It's strange how fast time goes and yet how much we accomplished in seven years.  So much has changed in our lives.

The people we associate with.

Our jobs.







Our love for each other.

All relationships are work.  Both parties need to give and take, and give and take some more.  There are times when he needs me more than I need him, and Lord knows there are many a time when I need him more than he needs me.

Needs are emotional, physical, mental and change all of the time.  While I am no marriage expert, and we have only seven years so far, I will say that the number one key to any successful relationship:


If I couldn't talk freely to Joe, express my thoughts, feelings, concerns and in return respectfully listen to what he thinks and feels, we would not have what we have today.

That much I know to be true.

I read somewhere a long time ago that the best way to have a conversation with someone is not face to face, but rather side by side.  It's less intimidating and (guys) typically can open up more when they're seating next to you.

Our favorite place to talk has always been Joe's car.  We especially appreciate now since it's a two seater and there is no backseat.

Of course we love our children, but as anyone can imagine, having a heartfelt conversation with a two and four year old is anything but productive.

Make the time to talk; it's amazing that after almost 10 years of knowing each other we still find things out.  I love that.

7 years ago I stood in this spot and vowed to love him (he tries to say 'obey' but I'm fairly certain that was not in our vows!) til death do us part.

We try to visit this winery every year on our anniversary; it's one of those things where we could easily brush off and not bother taking the drive.  In fact, after just getting back from a road trip vacation with the kids, I wasn't sure he'd be up for driving or if we should bother going.

"It's the doing that makes the difference."  

It's so easy to get caught up in life, the every day antics, work issues, kids, dog, house, bla bla.

But to step away and remember the one day where we said I DO, dance to our song under the big white tent and tear up over all of the beautiful memories made on that gorgeous July day?

That is powerful.

I wouldn't change a thing about our Wedding day; it's still the happiest day of my life.

Cheers to seven years baby, and bring on many many more!!

'...and I thought I loved you then.'
