Thursday, August 31, 2017

What Matters Most

...are the little giggles I hear from up above, although it's past their bedtime.

...the way he asks to kiss us, and says 'ewwww slimy kisses"... she teared up when I read to her from my pregnancy journal.

...the messy curly blonde hair hanging from the back of her Frozen bike helmet.

...the way the house feels when all four of us are home.

...the warmth of their little bodies pressed against mine.

...the way they beg to "cuddle me Mommy."

...the cheesy grins when they devour their popsicles dripping down their chins.

...the way they hold hands and help each other out, even at such a young age.

...the way they sleep so peacefully all tucked into their beds.

...the genuine feel of love from their eyes, hearts & souls. she truly understands love and what it means to feel it.

...the way he yells, "Mommmmaaaayyyy!" from his crib each morning.

...their sweet singing voices of 'You are my Sunshine'

...the way she wears her scarf as a skunk tail and pretends to be 'Meadow the Stunk'

...the way he carries his Whinnie the Pooh blankey around and tells me, "I love it so much"

...the way he runs around with his arms straight back, saying I'm BATMAN, sometimes with said blankey tied around his neck as a cape. she calls it the, "bashroom."

...our bedtime ritual of brushing teeth, reading books, and singing two songs.

...his morning ritual of wanting juice & a cereal bar while watching Clifford Big Red Dog.

...their obsession with Sid the Science kid.

...their excitement for the upcoming holidays.

...their memories of Lake George and Sea Breeze, talked about almost daily. she wants to marry daddy and cries because mommy already did.

...their complete innocence, so pure and true.

...the proud faces of them putting on their shoes on their correct feet.

...the small practices of breathing in, and out, when we get angry, frustrated and mad.

...the look of triumph as she learns to write her name.

...the sheer look of joy as he draws circles.

...that I am here, with them, lucky enough to be their momma, walking the earth by their sides daily.

  I could not ask for more.  
I am at peace. 
I am in love.
I am loved.  
I am so blessed to be with these little souls, 
and knowing that their daddy feels the same exact way. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Summer Lovin' {Kids Edition}

I tried not to schedule too many activities for the kids, but I did put them in a few camps in July.  One was a two day mini dance/magic camp.  She loved creating a wand to cast spells and wearing this silly mask.  She kept trying to turn Bradley into different animals.

Our babysitter cancelled one Friday so we had to break off into teams. Brooke went with Joe to go to one of the houses. Bradley accompanied me to a few appointments. 

Baby girl wasn't feeling too hot, and she wanted a nice warm drink to sip on.

She did get well enough to attend her last day at Fairy Camp--they marched in a little parade around the school in their wings, crown & with a wand.

I felt bad her wings didn't have any glitter because she missed 2 days when she was sick. :(  Brother wanted to be a part of the parade too!

We were able to sped a Sunday at Grandma's. The kids just loved feeding the chickens.

Mr. Bradley had a 3 day mini camp as well!  He was so excited to put on a little backpack and "go to school."

Brooke was an excellent big sister and told him how much fun he'd have.

He did pretty well!! The teacher said Monday he got a little teary halfway through asking for "Brookie" and that he missed her.   Wednesday was water day and he didn't want to play in the water, but he loved being outside.

Friday came and he cried when I dropped him off, but the teachers said he was totally fine 5 minutes later and had a ball playing with other kids.  He made 3 pieces of art work and still shows them off to me, as they hang on our fridge.

Brooke went to Nana & Papa's so I had the boys all to myself one evening!

We stopped for burgers and fries down in Sea Breeze.

Joe took us to this adorable little beach.

Bradley just loved throwing stones & sand.

It's nice to not have a baby eating sand at a beach, I must say! I miss the squish of a baby, but having little kids is really fun.

And of course laying in it and rolling around.

Summer is slipping away and I feel Autumn trying to sneak up on us.  We've been able to do a few more fun activities, so I'll be sharing those as well.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Kitchen {Date Night}

Summers are for date nights, little dresses, strappy heels, beach waves & fancy cars.  

Dress: Express
Shoes: Aldo
Jewels: Stella & Dot

PS I now snap a selfie of my makeup thanks to my glam artist Elizabeth.  I basically look to her as my makeup artist and blow her phone up.  Granted we talk about everything under the sun, but as for makeup help? She is the guru.

I went for a Party Pink lip, (thanks to my girl Ann & Lipsense) my Wesley Sunnies and Gita tassels.

It was a super rainy week last week so we were extra happy to have a nice evening out.

We had dinner at The Kitchen for the chef's tasting menu.   We visited awhile back and were floored at how amazing dinner was.  {You can see my post here}  This time there was MUCH more food. 
I was stuffed!

They sat us near the door and poured some Cava for a toast.  Joe wanted to be closer to the chef so we ended up moving.  We decided to simply enjoy the foods this time and not take photos of every little thing.  I did the wine pairing again and enjoyed that except for the last wine, which was a Port. Not a fan.  Not that I had room to drink it anyway, it was beyond filling!

We don't typically go out this often, but when the weather is nice and sitters are abundant, we have been!  I seriously loved this giant mirror in the bathroom.  I need it for the next house for sure. Also? I love that my shoe game is on point, thanks to my husband finding these at Aldo for me! 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


I love getting a year older.  I'm not sure why one wouldn't want the greatest gift of all, yet another year on earth.  Sure I'm fighting like hell to keep the wrinkles off my face.  It takes a little more working out and eating healthy to look and feel great, but it's worth it.

36 was quite the birthday to remember! Instead of a swanky night out with family & kids, we had an impromptu back deck dinner.  Joe even bought me a mini cake!

I woke up and everyone seemed great! The kids were so excited to give/help me open my gifts.

Joe took this photo in Lake George and had it made into a canvas.  I love it!

On vacation our little cooler broke, so he heard this was the cooler to get.  He stocked me full of my favorite goodies!  I'm thinking these will be perfect for date nights in and when friends come to visit.

If you don't have a Corkcicle, I highly suggest one! This is my second one and I LOVE that I have two now.  Brooke picked it out for me.  I love my water ICE cold and this baby keeps it cold!

My mother in law came over for a few hours, so I ran up to have lunch with Joe.  He was stuck helping a customer and I had to wait awhile, but we still got to see each other which was so nice.  Thanks again Maria!

The weather was a little chilly so I got to wear my white jean jacket.

I came home and kids were resting/napping...and then they woke up.  As soon as Bradley awoke he was crying so hard. I went in and rocked him and he just snuggled and felt very warm.  Sure enough he had a fever of 100 degrees and was not feeling well.  I gave him something to drink. I told Joe but he said that they'll be fine...

Not even 15 minutes of Joe being home did Bradley get sick all over the place.  My momma gut was telling me to cancel and I'm so glad we did not push it, and have that happen at the restaurant!

SO we ordered take out and ate on the deck.

Delicious bacon wrapped spinach.

Red wine, bacon blue cheese topped filet and mashed potatoes.

I really wasn't mad or upset, I just felt so bad for my babies!

This one wasn't 100% as her stomach was off a bit...but she wanted to hang out with us.

Clearly we cannot control our circumstances, and I surely would have liked to have gone out with my kids and family, but there will be other days.  I felt like it was only fair since when we were supposed to go out in April for my sister's birthday, something happened and we had to cancel on her.  

No sense in fighting it, I think it's going to have to be my mantra for 36: Go with the flow.  Breathing in all the love and blessings, counting my lucky stars and wishing for health all year long.