Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Here we are: 3-2-1 Blog!

I've been wanting to try this for awhile.  You know how it goes, never enough time in our busy lives to do everything on our 'to do lists'.  Well, enough with excuses, it's time to blog!   

While the rain gently taps outside on our sad blue deck, leaves have begun to fall, the breeze has an autumn chill, and my hot green tea with a small Bliss dark chocolate warms my belly.  Fall truly is the essence of change; it's all around us here in upstate New York. 
 I just love Yogi tea w/ their nifty little sayings...

 Even if you don't take time out to meditate, you can at least allow yourself a few moments of solace, truly thinking about what a 'silly' little tea tag says...Go ahead and try it. It does wonders for your soul.

I used to hate fall.  I'm not sure if it's because I loved summer so much, I was sad to see it go, or if it was because I never stopped to smell the falling leaves?  I do believe a large portion of my life was wasted on worrying and wanting the next thing to happen.  I didn't realize how to be in the now and to truly appreciate this gift called life.  

A perfect time to put fingers to the keyboard and begin my journey here in the blogging world.  

~ooo look at my new fall nails~ LOVE
Hello & welcome! 


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