Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fabulous Fridays

Friday was the first day since 10.2 that Joe actually had off....what'd we do? For starters, slept in until almost 10!!  No waking up at 7am to have him rush out the door by 8:30.  

Then I made him breakfast in bed {I've been doing it since we met, it's just routine on some days off, which are far and few between, he gets his eggs & bacon in bed.}  The key to that is, SLOW COOK THE BACON.  Seriously. I put it on low, don't touch it and let it cook for at least 20+ minutes.  If you cook it too high, too fast, it either gets too crispy or too much of the fat never cooks up.  Plus it needs to be Applewood Smoked Bacon. Yes, it matters!

We hung around the house for a bit, then went out for Acupuncture. He actually got me to try it when we first started dating, it was a bit scary but intriguing at the same time. 

He has Crohn's Disease, so anything to try and ease his pain, he was willing to try. 

Now that we've been going to T, Joe feels physically well, and I the over-analyzing, worry wart, Type-A, has calmed down immensely.  I can do yoga and completely zen out at the end, as opposed to staring at the ceiling and thinking of the ten million things that need to get done.  I started seeing her in the midst of my wedding planing, honeymoon booking, wrapping up the school year as an 8th grade English teacher....and a bunch of other things going on that just don't matter now, but back then, all of it combined was too much.  So I figured I'd rather go the more natural, holistic approach to dealing with my stress {I didn't want to pop prescriptions, just my preference.  Everyone is different.}
So if you've got an issue or ailment, and thought about giving acupuncture a try, GO!
The worst is that you see no results. The best? 
Well, you feel emotionally, physically, & mentally well and whole.
Joe~hooked up to a stim

 Just a few in my wrists....and my legs, toes, belly, forehead! No, it really doesn't hurt!

And then it got a little interesting.  Joe noticed glass jars and wanted to know what they were used for...

That's my back. Thanks babe!

This is what is known as, "Cupping."  I found an article if you want to know more, click here

And of course, what treatment wouldn't be complete without a little Moxa?

Not going to lie, when I heard the word blow torch, I got worried.  But it really didn't hurt at all...I just smelled like burning skin the rest of the night haha.

So, acupuncture--does it hurt? No.  You may feel a 'dull' sensation of the needles, but really I fall right to sleep on my stomach. 
Cupping? Yeah, that definitely was more of an annoying suction feeling...I still have marks on my back 3 days later, so don't do it if you have to wear a skimpy outfit! {luckily, i do not.}

And we ended our fantabulous Friday with a night out {off--no cooking for me wow!} At Plum Garden, where I enjoyed a nice glass of Pinot Noir and sushi.

We are sushi addicts!!

What natural ways do you help deal with stress or other health ailments?


  1. I meditate when I get stressed out, but a big plate of cookies helps too. :)

  2. My bf has UC, I'll have to mention acupuncture! So far, he just sees a chiropractor and tries to eat very clean -- he's a Southern Man though, so it's difficult at times:)

    As far as stress goes, I LOVE working out, whether it be a run or hard core lift-sesh. When I'm super duper stressed, I focus an practice my breathing!

  3. Really wanna try that one day to see what all the hype is all about. And that cupping thing is insane... did it hurt?


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)