Monday, October 24, 2011

Liebster Blog Award

My first award. Tear. :..-)

 I have only been a part of this blogging community for about 4 one month, already?! And I am so excited to have met so many fantastic women.  I only wish I had begun sooner; who knew it was this much fun?!

 I received this award from a wonderful girl, Sage, who has been following & leaving me positive comments from the get go.

Thank you, Sweet and Sage 

{If you're not a follower of hers yet, you better hop over to her page and do so~she'll surely bring a smile to your face.  She always has witty & fun posts!! }

I also received the award from Julia at Classy Southern Charm
She's very sweet & has a nice little blog. Go check her out! :) 

 Liebster is German for “beloved” or “dearest” but can also mean favorite. This award is meant to help boost support for blogs with fewer than 200 followers.

****My lil new blog won an award; yay!****

Being a newbie is never easy...I can't tell you how many 'scarf swaps'  or 'fall gift swap' I've missed out on, and just can't wait until I have a solid core of people whom I feel "at home, er blog with." Although, it's happening quicker than I think. :)

Here are the Liebster rules:

1. Show your thanks by linking to the person who nominated you.
2. Link to 5 of your top picks and leave comments on their blogs to let them know.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. Enjoy the love! 

Of course I love all of you, but there were five SIX who just happened to tug at my heart strings...and you big bloggers, keep doing what you're doing!!  We love reading your big fancy bloggy blogs!  :D

Check those girls out...their blogs are fun-loving, full of great tips & will make your not-so-good days, better.  Congrats ladies! Spread some leibster lovvvvvve!



  1. Congrats on your baby's award! I also love your is so deserving!
    Have a great week!
    xo Steph

  2. hahah, you posted six but that's awesome cuz so far they're all GREATTTT :)

  3. Jenn you are so sweet and thoughtful! I am glad that my little old blog can bring some joy to your day! I am quite a newbie myself in the blog world, but have loved meeting so many great people! I look forward to getting to know you better as a blog friend! I hope you have a wonderful week :)

  4. Thank you so very much for passing the award on to me, Jenn! I will be sure to add you to the awards post.

    Hope you have a great week :)

    -Holly @ Eight Six Eleven

  5. Thank you so much Jenn!! This totally makes me day! I'm so glad you love the blogging community so much - it really is wonderful!

    Thank you for being a loyal reader!! Have a fantastic week! :)

  6. Awweee!! You are way too sweet Jen!! Thank you so much this makes my blogging week! :)

  7. Aww! Congratulations on your first blog award! Super exciting. And thanks so much for passing it along to me!! :)

  8. Aw, you're welcome, Jenn! I love your blog. Your posts always make me smile. :)

  9. Yay you nominated one of my BFF's!!! Congrats on your blog, you are doing great!


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)