Monday, November 14, 2011

Vaction #1 Cruise to Bahamas

I'd like to share some of our fantastic travel adventures with you.

When I first started talking {writing e-mails} to Joe, one of the first things he said to me, was that he would some day travel the world with his queen.  At the time, I just had no idea that it'd be me!   Within weeks of dating, he asked me if I wanted to go away on a vacation...

 Crazy, right? Right!!

It had been years since I really had gotten away and really vacationed, so being a bit crazy, I said sure.  One month after we first met, we flew on a plane down to visit his grandparents staying in Daytona, Florida.  

We then hopped on a Royal Caribbean Cruise and headed to the Bahamas.  We figured we'd either sink or swim.   Let me tell you, if you really want to get to know someone, I mean really, go stay in a tiny cabin with a mini porthole, one pint-sized bathroom, and tell me how you fair!
That day we took a tour of the island.
We played on the beach.
We ate lunch at Senor Frogs.
We shopped at the Straw Market

And a few children sang us love songs for a few dollars, so they could earn money to go to a school dance that night...I'll never forget this song!!

We came out alive and actually, quite in love. I have rarely slept a night away from this man since that week, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Travel Date: February 2008

  • I would go on  Royal Caribbean Cruises again {and have!}
  • The staff is amazing
  • I prefer longer cruises as this one just seemed TOO short (4 days)
  • The food is good, for what it is {a lot produced at once}
  • You DO have to pay for drinks, but it's not ridiculous and IT IS vacation
  • If you're at all sea sick, just take BONINE and don't stop! It helps!!
  • I highly suggest you see Nassau, Bahamas in your lifetime
  • Try to experience life like the locals: (hello, CONCH salad!)
    • Food, shopping, beaches
  •  And be crazy once in awhile {aka go on a cruise with someone you just started just never know where it may lead!!}
 Tomorrow, we'll be visiting Vegas Baby!

And if you haven't checked out this gorgeous bracelet, please do and  enter my Giveaway!! 


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)