Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bacon Wrapped Gorgonzola Stuffed Chicken Breasts

4-6  Organic Chicken breasts
1 cup Gorgonzola cheese crumbles
2 chopped shallots
4 tablespoons freshly chopped parsley
2 bacon slices per breast
salt/pepper to season

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees

  • Combine the cheese, shallots, parsley & salt/pepper to taste in a small bowl & mash together.
  • Cover baking sheet with tinfoil
  • Place a small rack over foil {So the bacon drips onto sheet and off of chicken}
  • Place chicken on rack & cut a slit --1 inch deep x 1 1/2 inches wide
  • stuff the chicken with the mixture
  • Wrap 2 pieces of bacon around each breast & secure each with a toothpick
  • Bake in the oven for 35 minutes (Until chicken is no longer pink & bacon is cooked!)

Serve & eat yummmmmmmm!

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