Sunday, November 27, 2011

A little of this and that on Sunday

I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving weekend!
Did you start or finish your holiday shopping?
Or, perhaps, you are like me and haven't even started yet...oops!
A few new things in my life:
I received my nail polish from the swap I was in.
My partner was very generous!
Saturday brought the Fed Ex man dropping off my new Erin Condren Life Planner.
How did I survive before you?
Thanks fellow bloggers, as I had never heard of her before I began blogging.
 I'm pretty excited about it!
Saturday night hubby decided I could get one of my Christmas gifts early.
Remember how I spilled coffee all over my table and cell?
Well, he called the Apple store and they had a white iPhone 4s in stock!
Merry Christmas to me {early!}
Source: via Cierra on Pinterest
I picked out this fun cover for now.
And of course, the "OMG I just got a new iPhone, here's my cheesy pic!"
I had a fun little Sunday.
Coffee & bagels with my girl Kristin.
Pasta Sunday with the Italian side (Joey's gram makes the best pasta!)
We caught up on Modern Family & Revenge. Those are good shows!!!
And as I finish this post, I gag as Kim K & Kourtney take NY.
Anyone else still wonder what the???
Kris H.
Anywho, have a great night and a fantastic week ahead!!


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