Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Loves, Organizing, & Christmas Pins

Some of my current faves include:
My new leopard infinity scarf from express
Source: via Megan on Pinterest

 Hubby and I have been enjoying our homemade chai lattes

 I've been better with the workouts:

I've really been trying to organize better.
Oh, I just found this idea!! I have something I think I can paint, to keep my scrabooking crap stuff on.

I'm hoping these continue to inspire me!
Source: via Jean on Pinterest

I  am looking forward to Thursday, so that I can

We are spending it with Joe's parents this year.

And I'm officially ready to start thinking about Christmas.
Christmas Crafts. I just want to craft something!

So pretty!!
How easy does this look??

And of course, I need to start thinking about gifts for my love!

I wish I could buy you this dear.

And of course some Christmas treats to be made:

Every year I say that I want to make these, but I never do. 
Will this be my year? Are they super hard?

I've been trying really hard to "enjoy the now" so I think that I waited long enough before I started going too Christmas cray cray.  I just love everything about it.  So, in my eyes, I have held out long enough!!
My cookie party is less than a month away--woo hoo!



  1. Love your pins. I want to make an ornament wreath this year, I bought all the stuff last year...must find the time! :)

  2. I love the organzing pins, I will never be able to get it that perfect but it's ok to dream. Great pins. Have wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. I love all of your pins! Please tell me how you made your chai lattes! I love chai tea, but STINK at making it!!

  4. Great pins! Wishes for a fabulous Thanksgiving!

  5. adorable happy to have found you! Keep it up! xo

  6. I saw those "snow" vases months ago and have been collecting wine bottles. Now I need to get started on making them!

  7. I tried the Christams Ornament Wreath and it turned out to be something so simple turned frustrating. I bought a large conatiner of ornaments and when I strung them, the tighter they got, the more tension they were under, and they started to pop off everywhere. I recommened glueing the tops on the ornament before you ever string them! I'm going to post a picture of mine after thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving! :)


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