Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hey it's Ok

Today's Link Up:

Its Ok Thursdays
  • To start cleaning at 11 and still be cleaning in your Pjs at 6
  • To consider that type of cleaning as a workout!
  •  To absolutely love summer, but wish for some snow right now
  • To love being a housewife, so 1950's and
  • To thoroughly enjoy organizing my stuff with bins
  • To spend an hour just cleaning the tub/shower and then not want to shower in it afterwards, in fear of dirtying it!
  • To ask one of your friends to send you mean texts if you don't workout...but think that she's not mean enough!
  • To lust after Paula Deen's diamonds y'all!
  • To love Christmas, but not really be 'ready' for it until the first snowfall or December 1st
  • To literally write down things like a menu, cleaning schedules, workouts, to-dos, grocery lists {in several different spots: ie. planner, fridge, notepad, journal}
  • To adore Christmas decorations, but really despise blow-ups in front of house {sorry, but why?! Lights are simply pretty!}
  • To be really upset that my grandma is flying across the country to live in California :(
What's OK in your world?


  1. Girl you can come clean my house! PJs are welcome too haha. And I love that you asked your friend to send you mean text messages when you don't work out. I told my husband to keep on me about working out but it never works because I just get frustrated and accuse the poor guy of calling me fat haha.

  2. That is too funny that you have your friend send you mean texts!! I am the same way, I don't care for the blow up decorations either!!

  3. You sound like a cleaning and organizing machine! Good for you.

    I'm not a fan of the yard blow-up decorations either!

    Love making lists!!

  4. Did you see Paula Deen on Dr. Oz yesterday? I just love her, she seems so genuine!

  5. It's okay to buy yourself an advent calendar at 29!
    Love your list!! I'm a new follower :)


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