Friday, December 2, 2011

Inspi{red} Friday's Fancies

If you get a chance, head on over to AV at {long distance loving} and check out her Friday linkup. Each week it's a different theme. This week was in honor of World AIDS Day. 
Here is my inspi[red] outfit for today.
Someday, I will own you pretty little Louboutins.
I'm hoping hubby & I get out on a date night this weekend, so of course I chose a fun little red dress.
I'm all about the nude/gold mixture and the red.
What red would you be wearing?



  1. definitely have to have a bright red lip to accent a bright red dress. and gold is always a perfect accessory. so festive especially during this time of year. love it jenn!

  2. That dress is so glamorous! This is my first visit to you blog, I love it! Looking forward to reading more. Have a great weekend!

  3. I love one sleeved dresses. Great way to show some skin while maintaining some modesty.

    Haute Wife Today


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