Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's OK Link up & Last Day for Giveaway!

You still have a little time left, go enter my FREE Scentsy Giveaway
Hey, It's Okay...
To keep buying Christmas decorations!
To still not be done with actual Christmas shopping for people!
To be thrilled I have only been blogging since late September and I just hit 100 followers!
 That I love my little blog & all the wonderful people it's connected me with.
And to realize my 'honeymoon phase' of blogging is over, as I see drama & mean girls unfolding; ignorance is not bliss.  {There sure are some biotches on here!}
To truly believe I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have found my husband.
To be obsessed with couponing, yet love Coach purses. {That's why I save, right?}
That I have been to the post office 3 days this week & it's only Wednesday, as I write this & I will still have to go again Thursday, probably as you read this!.
To not know what our Christmas Dinner will be yet...
To realize that I'm finally feeling better, only because I've finally had a glass of wine!
To still tear up when having deep conversations with my husband {happy tears}
That I really really really want a baby.
To still really really really love the alone time with Joey!
To be super pumped for MY COOKIE PARTY THIS SATURDAY!!!
To listen to Christmas music non-stop {iPhone, laptop, TV, car}
That I may be as psyched for my middle sister Bri, as she is, because she's getting married on a beach in St. Thomas--yay! our family will be going on a cruise together!!!
That I am really starting to feel the need to workout/eat better so I can live in bikinis on said cruise in May!
To attribute our better behaved dogs to me being home with them all day.
To wish that my drug addicted little sister would really get her act together & be healthy. For good.
That I'm the only one awake at 10:43 pm. Joe, Holly, & Sadie are all sleeping on the couch beside me.
That I love my life!
Go ahead & link up over here:

Its Ok Thursdays


  1. Cookie Party?! I'm so crashing it haha. Sounds like so much fun! And yay for 100 followers! Congrats :)

  2. I love these posts! They are so much fun to read, I think I am going to link up and do my own next week! Congrats on 10o+ followers!

  3. cute blog! new follower :) & congrats on 100.

  4. Wow congrats on 100 followers! I've still got a long way to go! Luckily I haven't seen a lot of the drama yet, hoping it stays that way! Have fun at your cookie party this weekend!

  5. i'm sorry to hear about your younger sister, that must be difficult for you and your family. i am a total coupon saver to get the more expensive things i really want so i agree with you it is ok to coupon but want a coach purse!

  6. I'm new to your blog, and it's too cute, I really think you're going to be a must read!!

  7. I'm new to the blogging world to and still trying to figure it all out

    love that I found your blog
    follow me at


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