Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Some Songs to Sweat to!

Thank you SO much for all of your hair input!
I'll be sure to share the results, whatever they be!
I've had my niece overnight so, sorry for the short post. 
I'll post more later!
Here are a few of my favorite workout songs:
{AKA bust my booty on the treadmill or Zumba}
Yes, they are explicit, fyi!



  1. Oh I am in dire need of some good songs to get me motivated when I attempt to work out. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh, good, I need some more treadmill songs to keep me goin'! Thanks!

  3. I am so glad someone else besides me listens to rap when they work out! It's not my 'everyday' music, but it's the only thing that keeps me going during a workout!

  4. Thanks for the new work out songs! I am always blasting rap on the treadmill and I could def use some new music!

  5. I need some new music to get me motivated! The cold weather makes dragging myself to the gym a chore (but I always feel better after)!

  6. Great workout songs!! I always like really upbeat songs while working out- especially running on the treadmill. I need the motivation!

  7. I'm making my new marathon playlist for Miami....I'll add these! Thanks!

    P.S. I just LOVE your gorgeous blonde hair!

  8. I'm going to look these songs up to add to my weight pumping music! Can't wait to see your new 'do!


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