Thursday, March 1, 2012

More than OK!

It's OK!
...That I'm writing this post at 4:49 anxiously awaiting hubs return home for HIS WEEKEND OFF!
...that we don't have any set plans yet for said weekend off & I'm totally cool with that...
...that I scored 2 pairs of jeans $11 a pair at Kohls--Vera Wang, hello..
...that I also bought a pair of Rock Republics that were not so inexpensive...
...that I'm also addicted to Victoria's Secret...
True story.
Went into pay off charge card; 
had a free pair of undies coupon--sweet.
Salesgirl stops me and says,
 "Well, if you just try on one of our new bras, you'll get a free sample of our new perfume."
I can just walk into the dressing room for a few moments and pretend, I figured.
But then I saw the new bras.
TMI? Skip ahead.***
I only had one nude colored bra (seriously cannot remember when I bought it.
It's an IPEX. Do they still makes those?)
Well this was a NEW Very Sexy Deep V Push-up.
It's amazing how great a brand new, well-fitted bra can make a gal feel!
I, of course, had a $10 coupon so, that being said...
Their little "Try on for a free sample of perfume"
Sales tactic
Totally worked on this blondie.
I would have bought more, but I'm hoping my Rewards Cards
stack up big time and I can hit the jack pot come April!
***End of TMI***
...I'm so excited to have made dinner plans with my girlfriend Alison & her hubs 
for a fun restaurant later this month. Tapas & Salsa dancing, yes please!
...that I read this book called The Happy Housewife and kind of refer to it like a bible...
...that I had a piece of pizza for breakfast yesterday...
...that as much as I love my furbabies, I cannot wait to go away on our cruise....
...furmama needs a break...
...that I have no red vino and that is a problemo...
...that I am still finding myself making this darn Courtney face...
...that hubby just called and we are going for a drive so I gotz to go!!
Lots of love!

Its Ok Thursdays


  1. it's always OK to have pizza for breakfast.

  2. OMG! I ordered the deep v push up in nude and got it a couple weeks ago and I am in love with it! It is seriously life changing! What kind of perfume did you get? I am so getting the happy housewife, I looked it up on amazon and it looks good:) Have a nice drive and stock up on vino, girl!

  3. Awesome. I need new bras so bad. I'm heading to Victoria's Secret this weekend.

    I just heard about The Happy Housewife. What did you like best about it?

  4. I have Victorias secret coupons to use too, I need to go do that this weekend!

  5. I LOVE this long list of things that are okay!! Love love! Totally jealous that you found two pairs of jeans for $11!!!

    Keep Shining,

  6. I love everything about this post. You are so adorable!!

  7. I love a good bargain! Vera Wang jeans are that cheap so you got a good deal!

    Those sales people know how to rope a girl in huh!?

  8. Great list of its OK's :) I love VS as well and its certainly ok to have pizza for breakfast!

  9. Get you some VINO ASAP! haha It's a NECESSARY item... in my opinion at least ;)

    And it's TOTALLY OK to buy new bras... and anything else VS... ALL THE TIME! I'm soooo addicted myself... I refuse to wear anything else!! haha... Spoiled?

    Enjoy your weekend with the hubs!!!!


  10. I swear those salesgirls see people like us coming from a mile away! I have been known to fall into the same trap. . .;-)

  11. Your posts always make me so happy, Jen! :) No red vino- definitely a real problemo! Cannot wait to enjoy some of that myself tonight!! And I think buying bras/underwear is one of the happiest experiences in the world. Absolutely no idea why, but it brings me unexplainable yet immense joy. And what a steal with those jeans! I just bought five pairs of leggings off Target's website yesterday. Oh, yes.

  12. Vicky Secret KNOWS how wonderful they are..... I am always getting myself in trouble w/ my Angel card there, lol! I have those couposn for the free panty and $10 off too so we'll see how well I can control myself when I stop in ;)

  13. When I was reading that about the "Courtney face" I made the face lol! The faces she makes are so odd.
    I need to check that housewife book out!

  14. yay for a weekend off for your hubs so you two can spend time together!! mine doesn't have a track meet tomorrow so we can spend the day together.


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