Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hunger Games, Giada & a Giveaway

So I'm a tad busy planning my sister's:
 Her couples bridal shower.
Her upcoming St. Thomas Wedding.
And of course getting ready for upcoming getaway.
I started reading this on my nook, like I mentioned last week...
However, I downloaded this as an audiobook
And Prep is now on hold.

I really wanted to read it, but I just don't allow myself
the time to sit and actually read...
I can't stop listening to it!! 
It's seriously that good. 
If you're one of those people
 {like me}
 and you just didn't think it'd be your thang,
 just get the audio and start listening!
As I fold laundry, clean the kitchen, change sheets,
vacuum, mop, do more laundry,
make homemade soup from Giada's new cookbook
 So comforting and pretty healthy!!
And listened to chapters 1-11 yesterday. 
So I need to stop blogging so I can continue
 to do other mindless activities, so I can listen to the HG!!
I am love love LOVING this crazy book.
***Enter to win a fun beach bag at my gurrrrl Amber's fun blog:***
She's so fun; I wish we were neighbors in real life!


  1. Can I just say how much I love you!? You are the sweetest and if we were neighbors our hubby's would have to get along cuz we would be together all.day.long. I am going to get Giada's book, I think she is adorable and you know I wish I were Italian. I love the tradition of big Sunday dinners like they do on RHONJ. Do you have Teresa's Skinny Italian? I like that one, too. I have been thinking about reading The Hunger Games but like you said, I just don't think it will interest me but if you like it, I probably will to. We saw the movie last weekend, it was pretty good. You just may have talked me into it.

  2. I loved planning all my sister's wedding events, St. Thomas sounds amazing! :-)

  3. Ahhh- I can't wait to read hunger games! My friend just got it to me over the weekend and I seriously can't wait to crack it open! :)

    Recipe looks delish- thanks for sharing!!

  4. Loved the hunger games! :) And Giada!

  5. I have The Hunger Games audio book too! But I'm only on chapter 2. I gotta finish it before I go see the movie. I listen to a lot of audio books because I like hearing someone read me a story. :)

  6. I've never done the audio book thing, but I've always been interested in buying one. I'm one of those readers that sometimes "scans" ahead to the end of the page or chapter and that would totally keep me from doing that! Plus I think I'd end up having a convo with the person reading it to me! LOL.

  7. I felt the same way about The Hunger Games! People kept recommending it, and I'd say, "No way! Not for me!" I'm so glad I finally listened and read it, though! Definitely a captivating book!!


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