Friday, June 15, 2012

Mulch Madness

Two more days of the Tent Sale & then I have my hubby again!!
I have been a serious gardener these last few weeks.
I am so proud to show off my latest accomplishments!
{With the help of hub's cousin who offered to help a girl out}
So it started like this:
I began pulling weeds, then decided I ought to capture what the jungle looked like.
 After many tedious hours, it started to look better...
Have you heard of Creeping Myrtle?
I think the bish is dead and I hope she doesn't return.
 Finally, we ended up with this beautiful garden:
Now I just need some annuals to add a few pops of color here and there!
I ordered 4 yards of mulch and worried I wouldn't have enough.
 Turns out, we had plenty!
We even had enough to do all around the new deck in the backyard!
We are feelin all fancy pants up in herrrr.

 Front left of house.
Dining room windows.
Now, I know this may bore some of you.
Heck, I could have cared less a few years ago.
But now I feel such a sense of accomplishment 
and truly enjoy the beauty of our new landscaping.
I even love love love our front porch.
 A little patriotic bow.

Wreath: CVS
Garden Flag: Lowes
Patriotic Bow: $1 store
Welcome mat: Bed Bath & Beyond
Planter: From my mother
Garden stones: Wegmans & garden stores
So that concludes my mini garden tour.
Pictures don't do it justice;
or maybe I am just partial since my blood, sweat, and tears went into its making.
Kidding on the tears...I think.
Have a beautiful Friday lovies!!


  1. your house and yard are so beautiful!

  2. Looks really awesome, I always love when my hubby puts some fresh mulch in the front yard :-)

  3. It looks great!! :) I miss having flowerbeds!

  4. You did a great job! Now you can come help me with landscaping haha. We've been planning on some things but haven't had the time to get started yet.

    Love your front porch decor too, especially that cute flag!

  5. This title literally had me cracking up. Mulching sucks I hate it! I would rather pay someone to do it for me than suffer through the good old fashioned way.

  6. Your yard looks FAB!!!! Like an after yard on HGTV's Curb Appeal perhaps? :) Bravo on all of that hard work!


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