Saturday, July 14, 2012

15 Week Bumpdate!

12 weeks vs 14 weeks 3 days

Baby is the size of an avocado.
I am still hovering around the 10 pound range...
The bump is clearly growing, but I feel like the layer of
"protective fat" can turn harder please!!

Mexican. I have had it twice this last week!!
Still loving my sweets {Cinnamon bread french toast--I die.}
and anything hubs grills for me.
Cherries, blueberries, bananas, strawberries.
I am also obsessed with the colored Goldfish Crackers.

Miss anything?
I am trying to create better "mocktails"
They quench the thirst, for now...

Hiccups- after I eat anything!!
Headaches--this heat is not making me feel great!
Baby and I are looking forward to swimming at Nana & Papa's house next week!!
Belly/chest = very itchy. I'm bathing in my cocoa butter and oils...
And I'm not gonna lie, my emotions have been crazy, like over the top crying over everything.
I'm not sure why {hormones?} but everything has been bothering me.
I've had to shut my phone off and just nap a few days, because I'm so cranky!
I hope that streak is
Oh, and these books say by the second trimester, I shouldn't have to run to the bathroom as much,
I feel like I am peeing way more than ever before! {tmi, sorry.}
The books also said mood swings would settle, but I was way better 1st tri than now... yikes!
I need more tanks and tops...and maternity sports bras.
All of a sudden my ta-tas started growing again and my normal sports bras aren't fitting!
It's so hot, I am wearing as little as possible.
I think a few more larger mesh shorts will be nice.
I'm thankful for extra large t-shirts and flowy dresses. 

Next Appointment:
Friday July 20th for a checkup.
Can't wait to hear our little one's heartbeat once again!

Best moment this week:
We celebrated 2 years of marriage.
Hubs gave me some gorgeous flowers, much like our wedding ones,
and I gave him this:
I wrote a note saying I couldn't think of a better gift to give,
than to showcase the greatest gift we could give each other;
a life we created together.
He may or may not have shed a tear--don't tell him I told you!

Baby Buys:
My sweet husband gave me an early birthday gift...
as he likes to get me a new Coach purse for Christmas and birthdays,
this year he bought us this:
A Coach Diaper Bag!!
 Look at this adorable tag!
All the useful scrunched up pockets:
And the changing pad...
It's the first thing for 'baby' he has bought and I absolutely love it!
He decided on the neutral, since we don't know gender, and he thought of this all by himself!
He is just too much sometimes! I am a lucky, lucky girl.
A 'normal tank' that I'm so nicely filling out,
& maternity shorts.
Sometimes the stretchy part annoys me, but I just fold it over.
 I love this shirt!!
"Carrying precious cargo"
I finally felt like I was filling it out enough to proudly wear it.
5 more weeks and we find out boy or girl!!
I still go back and forth.
I have no idea!!
But I'm so excited either way.
I love watching this baby grow!!


  1. you look GREAT!!!! i can't wait to see what your having!! and mad props to the hubs on the BAG!!!!

  2. You are so adorable! I love your bump, you're going to be the cutest pregnant woman ever. ;)

  3. Looking fantastic, Jen! Your colored Goldfish crackers craving made me laugh!! :) And your gift to your husband made me tear up. Ahhh soooo sweet!! I am loving all of the love <3

  4. Love that precious cargo tee- I always say that!! And congrats on the anniversary and new diaper bag- gorgeous!!

  5. You look amazing!!! I love your outfits!! What a sweet gift you gave him. And great bag, you are gonna be a styling mom!!

  6. You are super cute! I love that bag! I have a coach diaper bag that I used with Aubree and it was great! I love that you drink cocktails! I would order a shirley temple in a martini glass when we went to dinner while I was preggo:)I love what you gave Joe, so sweet and SO true!!

  7. Sooo cute, love the Coach bag too, hubster did well.

    Oh Hormones. Shame on them


  8. OMG I looove your new Coach diaper bag! Your precious cargo shirt is too sweet. How exciting!!

  9. Ah love this!! So excited!!

    Such a cute bag too!

  10. So cute! Check out my blog-
    I'd love you to follow :)


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