Friday, July 27, 2012

My Birthday Surprise Overnight

Tuesday afternoon I dropped off our furbabies! 
 I think I was a tad more excited than they were.
But they do love going "buh-byes".
When hubs got out of work, we hopped on the road
and ended up here!!
We have never been to this casino, and Joe did request a King size bed with a falls view..
But they only had 2 queens.
So we snuggled!
Loved this vanity area to get ready in...
so many mirrors!
We got ready for our big steak dinner!
 Maxi dress from my step-mom!!
 Baby came along!
 My Shirley Temple in a giant wine glass...mmm

 I asked him to smile...
Joe & his mojito
We played in the casino and won & lost a little money, but it was fun!
By 10, this mama was tired, so we headed back to the room.
Our view in the morning:
On my actual birthday,
of course we had Starbucks for breakfast!
 Iced vanilla latte
Apple Crumb fritter
 A gorgeous day for my birthday!!
 We walked over to the falls, it was so nice and breezy!
 Love this man.
 Baby & I at the falls!
 I got hungry, so we walked over to a little cafe hubs found online.
We shared a yummy root beer

My lunch:
 Pesto Gnocchi --so good!
 Joe ordered a steak panini
After lunch we headed back home.
We stopped at Buy Buy Baby and looked at furniture,
but it's just too hard to pick out until we know...
boy or girl?!
It was fun to look though.
I had a great, relaxing day and really enjoyed my surprise!!
It felt like a mini-vacay in the middle of the week.


  1. Looks like an amazing trip, loove your maxi dress too! :-)

  2. wow what a great birthday trip! can i tag along just for the food? or would that just be weird? it looks amazing and i love that green dress you are wearing too cute

  3. I love how they put your shirley temple in a big drink glass - so cute! Looks like you had an awesome time!!

  4. OMG it looks amazing!! I love your maxi and oh that belly is just amazing!!!

  5. looks like a good time!! you look GREAT!!!!

  6. What a great surprise and you look great!!

  7. Happy belated birthday, Jenn!!! Sounds like an absolutely perfect day :)

  8. what a great surprise! you looked fabulous. your baby bump and your gorgeous hair!


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