Monday, July 2, 2012

Weekend Rewind!

Finally, we had a weekend with no plans!!
Saturday hubs called me and said he made reseravations at Jo Jos, 
one of my favorite bistros, for dinner!
After dinner, we walked the canal and had ice cream cones.
I was a happy, yet tired mama and by 9:45, I was snuggled in bed watching TV.
He has had a total of 3 days off the whole month of June.
I am SO happy July is here!
With the crazy tent sale and on top of that, his poor assistant had to have emergency surgery,
Joe has been working way more than he usually has to.
My husband works his tail off to provide for our {growing} family,
and I couldn't be more thankful and appreciate for how hard he works.
It is a little difficult because not many people understand how hard it is to 
commit to events and gatherings, when all this man wanted was a day to do what he pleases!
On the way to dinner he said, "I haven't even gone golfing yet this year."
So of course, being the loving wife I said, "How about tomorrow?"
He called his buddy up and they had a tee time for 10:52.
 They are pretty funny together, and they always bet on who will win.
Clearly they're not Tiger Woods, but they had fun!
I went along, just to enjoy the beautiful weather and spend time with hubs.
heck yea I left my curls from the night before
On the way home we picked up ingredients to make our delicious
Sirloin Burgers 
w/avocado, applewood smoked bacon, gruyere cheese,
and sat out back on our deck, and literally took a nap before dinner.
It was a perfect Sunday and I hope it rejuvenated my over-worked man!
A few other fun things:
I made homemade lemonade using 
and it was divine!!
I fill up one of my tumblers with ice and fill with lemonade...
summer perfection!
I just cannot rave enough about Bare Minerals makeup.
I have been loving and using their makeup for one year now,
and I couldn't be happier.
The looks I achieve are so fresh, natural and radiant.
silly mypace style iphone pic hehe
Seriously though, I just switched to their face wash and my breakouts have cleared up!
Lovely pregnancy hormones have made my skin a little tricky, so I'm glad this worked!
I also got to hold my neighbor's month old sweet baby Mya.
She was so cute and I cannot wait to hold our baby in my arms!!
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as I did.
Lots to look forward this 4th of July week!
Stay cool.


  1. Sounds like a perfect weekend! Yay for naps! I love your hair and that fedora:)

  2. Looks like a good weekend... I'm glad you and the hubby could finally spend some time together. Sounds much needed ;) I would totally just go golfing to ride around in the cart and get some sunshine! :)

  3. That is a perfect weekend! I love the curly hair you are rocking! I definitely need to start getting more creative with my hair styles.

  4. You look so pretty in all your pictures!!!

  5. You are so cute! Glad you and your hubby got to spend time together this weekend.

  6. Sounds like a fab weekend. Umm 3 days only thats just insane.

    How is babe to be :) How are you feeling?


  7. yah for weekends with no plans they are my favorite!!

  8. You pull off FEDORAS so well!! I LOVE them!! and I love your hair ;-) So sweet of you to tag along for hubbys golf game.. my hubby works his butt off too. Especially now trying to get our house done. YAY for hardworking husbands :) Have a great weekend chick!

  9. Yayyy for your husband finally having a day off! I am glad June is over for you guys! That had to be so exhausting :( Sounds like you all had a great weekend! Hope your 4th of July was equally as awesome!


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