Thursday, August 30, 2012

Week 22 Bumpdate

How far along:
22 weeks tomorrow!
Skirt: ON (non maternity)
Shirt: Target maternity
Cami/sports bra: Wal-Mart
Necklace: Aldo Accessories 
Baby is the size of:
A Papaya!!
mostly maternity or XL sized.
If I'm home, I'm in comfy over-sized sweats or shorts.
I'll put a real bra on ONLY if I'm trying to feel normal!!
I love me some tank top bra/sports bras.
Yesterday's fashion attempt:
Shirt: Maternity @ Kohl's clearance $10
Shorts: Motherhood maternity
Necklace: Antique store
Infinity Scarf: Express
Sandals: Aldo
Makeup: BE
Bag: Coach 2009
Still very itchy breasts.
Like they might be growing again.
I have had an issue with heartburn/reflux/indigestion/sour stomach.
After much reading, I've discovered I should change some habits 
{and it worked!}
I was feeling so gross, I was afraid to eat anything for fear of feeling awful.
Clearly not eating is not an option, and so I texted my acupuncturist and she suggested food changes.
1. Eat 1/2 the amount you want to at a meal.  In other words, eat smaller amounts,
2. Don't drink liquids as you eat; drink in between the meals to avoid the slow down bloated feeling.
3. Don't lay right down after eating a meal. {if you have to, lay on left side}
4.  Eat 'neutral or cool foods': yogurt, milk, melon, banana, pb&j is my bff. 
5. DO NOT eat oatmeal, cherries, citrus, or heavy acidic foods like heavy tomato sauces, spicy, greasy, fatty
6. Drink hot tea--I enjoy the Earth Mama Heartburn tea here
7.  Eat your last meal 3 hours before you go to sleep.
8. Tums before sleep & elevate your head.
9. All else fails? Eat ice cream!! It does make you feel better. In every way possible.
 I think I failed to eat enough yesterday as I woke up at 4 am 
and had to go eat something by 5, since I was still wide awake.
I had a fiber bar and some Gatorade, and by 6 was sleeping, only to hear hubs get up...
I'm still in my pjs and not doing much today.
Other than that, I have been sleeping well;
I get up 2-3 times to use the bathroom.
I had switched sides of the bed with hubs, but he wanted his side back....
so I am back to walking an extra few feet.
Best Moment this Week:
Seeing our little girl during our ultrasound!
She cooperated at first, then flipped right over.
  Love her adorable nose and little fingers.
The tech kept poking with the damn tool, and I was laying on my back...
I quickly felt hot/clammy and thought I was going to pass out.
Luckily I did not, and we made it through, 
with a few pictures and a DVD.
*Little hand by her nose*
 *Hand on her head.*
 *She smiles*
After her appointment, we picked out the carpet for the nursery.
Yesterday I had lunch at Macaroni Grill with 
my mother in law, step-mom, and girlfriend Alison.
I enjoyed a side salad and the Margarita pizza
We then headed over to Buy Buy Baby and spent the next several hours registering.
I got a little worked up in the bib section, since I really don't care what bibs I get....
and I had to pee, and when I have to pee, I can't think. My brain literally stops.
We got through it though, and baby girl is all set now!
I'll do a separate post on my registry items.
I enjoyed my goodies!!
Miss Anything?
Oh yes! I think she had the hiccups the other night, 
as there was a rhythmic thumping for a few minutes straight.
She moves at night, louder music & Daddy's voice.
 Love glazed donuts. 
I need to make some cookies this weekend too!
I still love fruit, yogurt & cheese.
Belly Button:
Seems to be stretching and working its way weird!
Wedding Rings:
Stretch Marks:
Still no!! 
My favorite lotion is Mama Bee's Belly Butter. 
Tired today, but very relaxed.
 Doing a lot of this today with lil miss Holly.
I am also super excited everything is coming along!! 
Looking Forward to:
Daddy being able to feel baby girl move.
She's getting strong at kicking, so any day now!!


  1. LOVE this post<3 You look adorable! and the tips about what to eat are pretty great too. I will have to remember this for the future! How great that you don't have stretch marks:) Maybe you'll be one of those lucky ones!

  2. Looking great! I love that blue striped shirt!

  3. You are adorable and I would kill to have juicy lips like you!!! Have fun relaxing and I need to know what kind of cookies you make. Be sure to IG pics:)

  4. Love the outfits you've been putting together! Glad everything is going good so far in the pregnancy :)

  5. You look beautiful, Jenn!! LOVE that second outfit. Very pretty!


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