Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekend Review & This Week's Meal Plan

Happy Monday!!
I hope you had a great weekend.
We sure did!
We kept it fairly low key since Joe's Crohn's acted up a little bit.
I made lots of pasta and we really relaxed a lot.
Stopped by our friend's house & hung out for a bit...
 I have become rather obsessed with Vlogs...
Especially pregnant women & couponing haha
Here are the Krazy Coupon Ladies
I also watched an odd movie Friday night while Joe slept...
Young Adult
It was stylistically interesting, but not a movie I'd recommend.
I'm glad that I didn't make my husband watch it.
I went to my pre-natal yoga class & boy am I still feeling it--in a good way!
I cleaned and organized...
I just love simple Saturday nights like that!
We had the windows open and played old school 90's rap
I don't know what I did to deserve it, but my sweet husband made me
breakfast in bed
 I enjoyed watching Food Network and my delicious meal.
We ran two errands, and I came right back and put my pjs back on.
He went to his Fantasy Football draft and I caught up on RHONY
Now for this week?
Boy or Girl?!?
And here are my 'menu' ideas for this week.
I make lunch/dinner pretty much every day, so I'm not sure the order, but
here's what's floating around in my head.
{recipes are linked to the name}
My Breads: {yes, I've been baking my own}
Have a great week!


  1. ok you are the third pregnant blogger who is finding out within a week what gender they are having!! this is so much fun! i always look forward to reading your post but now i'm extra looking forward to finding out what you are having, i say girl! don't know if you are taking guesses but i'm throwing my two cents in

  2. You are so adorable!! Love your little bump :) Sounds like a really great weekend. Yay for finding out the gender TOMORROW :-D I'm thinking boy for some reason..what do you feel like it is?! Oh, would you be able to send me your address please?! You can e-mail me at


  3. you look GREAT!!!! i love sleeping with the windows open!! for some reason I keep thinkin girl for you!!! Do you love the yoga class?

  4. I have always wanted breakfast in bed!! I don't want to ask Jim to do it because it sould be his idea but what a sweet guy you have!! We almost rented Young Adult so now I know not to! I can't wait to find out what you are having!! I am thinking girl. But I am never right;) I know yall will be thrilled just to have a healthy babe. I am so excited!!!

  5. Ahhh I love your little baby bump! Tomorrow is the day! Glad you had a good weekend :)

  6. You look ADORABLE!! :) Can't believe it's already time to find out the gender… YAYYY! Can't wait to hear the big reveal :) Glad you had a good weekend!

  7. i love weekends like this. so relaxing!

    what a sweet hubby!

    i'm so excited to find out what you're having!! woo-hoo!!

    i'm voting girl :)

  8. I'm so excited to find out what you are having.. My gut says girl!

  9. You are the cutest pregnant woman!!! I cannot wait to find out if you're having a boy or a girl - I will be watching Twitter and Pinterest extra close just to find out! ;)


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