Saturday, September 15, 2012

Feel Lucky, Because You Are

Happy Weekend!!
I just wanted to remind myself 
{and anyone reading}
how it's just as easy to focus on the good in life,
as the bad.
We can sit and complain about all that is wrong,
or simply be grateful and happy for all that is right.
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I truly am thankful for my life and all its beautiful happenings.
I wish the same to all of you!
Make it a fantastic weekend.


  1. Being grateful for things can work wonders :) Thanks for dropping by my blog, following back!

  2. THANK YOU! As rushed as life got at the end of pregnancy, along with just being full-term pregnant in the hottest summer of my entire life, I started getting really negative. When Pierce was born and put straight in the NICU, I still focused on the negative, prayed and prayed ASKING God to help Pierce. Finally, it hit me, instead of asking only, I needed to start and end my prayers with gratitude. Thank God for the blessing of having this boy here, THEN ask for healing for my son. Thank God for the blessing of a wonderful husband, family, and friends that made up my support system.

    You're so right.

  3. YES! You're so right. We all live pretty amazing, lucky lives. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  4. I love this post. We all have something to be grateful for or to consider ourselves lucky about.



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