Friday, September 28, 2012

One Year at Blogging & 26 Week Prego Wall

TGIF lovies!!!
Today I am already 26 weeks preggars,
and today marks my one year of blogging!
I had no idea what I was getting into or where this path would take me.
I am so happy that I decided to put myself out there,
and really pour my heart into this lil old blog of mine.
It all began one rainy afternoon with a simple post...
I love that my family and friends who aren't close by can stay in touch with me.
I love that I connect with awesome women who share similar interests all over the place. 
I want to thank you so much for following along 
and for all of your thoughtful comments that you leave.
I love hearing from you all!!
As for 14 weeks left of carrying baby bean----
This week of pregnancy has really hit me!
I get winded just on short (10 minute) walks with the dogs.
I have been living in lounge wear these last few days;
my urge to dress cute and uncomfortable has faded at the moment...
I'm hoping that our dinner date tomorrow night will inspire me to look cute.
I get hot and dizzy if I sit or stand or do anything for too long.
My belly/uterus just 
[Like I need to hold it up, even though I know I don't.]
I am always fidgeting and moving around....
My lower back is super sore and heat feels amazing on it.
Sleep is still good, but I am tired most of the day.
I am face first in breastfeeding books, DVDs, how to make baby food
and next up? Happiest Baby on the Block  DVD
[how to get them to sleep?!]
Because I'm sure I'll remember ALL of this information when sweet
baby Brooke is placed in my arms and I have a little one staring back at me.
At least I'll feel better that I attempted to 'prepare'.
Or at least that is what I tell myself. 
I'm happy to report her baby bedding is coming right along, and I believe
I have purchased all that is necessary to finish, we just need to assemble!
I do love being pregnant; my favorite thing is feeling her move around
which is most of the time--I think she only sleeps like 4 hours, I swear!
I will admit I have had my vain moments...
I sort of miss my platinum blonde hair, my dark tanned skin, my fit body.
These moments don't last long because I am SO SO SO thankful to be carrying this baby.
They slip into my mind and I quickly push them out of my head.
But truth be told, from time to time, I miss being a hot wifey!!
{Even though hubs says I'm hot, I just don't always feel it in my achy, bloated, gassy, glory}
I know I'll get back to my old self, and I for now I am focusing on being grateful and blessed.
But let's face it, being pregnant is a huge deal and really you just don't feel the same!
I think I'm also getting antsy to meet her.
Who's eyes will she have?
Will she have my nose or his?
Will she be quiet or loud?
How much hair will she have
When will she actually make her debut?
Will she be super fussy or sleep through the night?
What will that moment actually feel like when we get to hold her in our arms and look down at 
a little being that we created?
So many fun experiences to look forward to.
My baby shower is November 4, so I've started looking for a dress...
before I know it we'll be feasting on Turkey Day,
decorating a Christmas tree,
ringing in a New Year,
and rushing to the hospital for the arrival of our little one.
What a year it has been;
thanks for being faithful my lovely readers!
I look forward to many more fun years of blogging ahead.
Happy Friday Bellas!


  1. happy 1 year blogging!! you have accomplished a lot this past year and it has been fun to see your blog grow and now follow you growing a baby

  2. Happy 1 year! It's crazy how much things have changed in that time! Can't wait to see what else is to come!

  3. Congratulations on your future arrival. I popped over from Caitlin's blog. She and I both went to UNC, decades apart, but I love following her blog. It keeps me young.

    I look forward to reading more from you. I know this is an exciting time for you.


  4. Happy blog anniversary! I am almost 37 weeks pregnant and just found your blog. Can't wait to read more! :)

  5. Happy blogoversary! You have so much to look forward to and I'm excited to see what you'll share in your next year of blogging. Congrats!

  6. hi there! newest follower to your blog from southern curls and pearls! soo happy to have stumbled across your blog :) you are too cute! i love that you and your hubby are world travelers! my boyfriend and i LOOOOVE to travel too. such wonderful memories :) so excited to read mroe from ya and would love if you followed back!

  7. So glad you stumbled across my blog! Congratulations on one year of blogging and also on being a mom-to-be. (: How exciting.

  8. The pregnancy discomfort only gets worse!! But it's all worth it. I have decided to "just not care" when it comes to cute clothes and feeling "fat"... I wear what fits and TRY to look "cute" but really, everyone loves a baby bump so you're cute no matter what ;) Chin up, you're doing great!



I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)