Monday, October 29, 2012

A Prego Halloween

 I'll be the first to admit, Halloween is never my favorite holiday.
Sure it's fun to dress up and all...
but I always have a hard time deciding what to wear.
This year we kept it soooo simple and cheap.
Our costumes didn't cost us a single penny!!
I'm sorry if our choices offend you,
they were all in good fun and not meant to cause any harm.
We decided Joe would be a priest:
 If you actually know my husband,
this is quite hysterical.
As for me?
Of course, a pregnant nun.
My Costume consisted of: 
Black yoga pants
White Maternity T-shirt
Black Cardigan
I cut an old black short sleeve cardi that hung long 
& funny & put that on my head.
I cut the sleeve off an old white t-shirt for my headband.
Of course I needed to wear some jewels,
because, well, I'm me.
Joe's just wearing a black button down shirt & black pants.
I cut a piece of white cardboard and used a safety pin to secure it.
I think the costumes came out alright!
Most importantly,
I was sooooo comfy.
We tried to put miss Holly in a costume...
 Or as Joe called her,
Mother Consuela
But she wasn't very happy!
We went to my sister's party...
She loves Halloween as much as I love Christmas I think.
 Candy Corn Jello Shots!
 Yummy Festive cupcakes!
 Mummy weenies!
 I loved this!!
 I thought she did a great job with all the festive food/decor!

 My sis was complaining all night she had to be a princess..
Her husband wanted to be Robin Hood
So she got stuck as Maid Marian.
I thought she looked great!
 Notice the fog from the fog machine...
We had an Obama
and my step-brother was a middle finger!
 And of course, and 80's girl.

My husband got to enjoy some champagne...
and I was DD.
It was nice to get out off the couch on a Saturday night!
I will admit I'm far more excited for next Halloween,
when I can dress my little girl up!!
Did any of you dress up and go out?!
 I'm hurrying off to the mall before Frankenstorm really hits.
I'm not sure how much wind damage we will get,
but I hope it's nothing too bad.
I hope all of you stay safe!


  1. Your no cost homemade costumes turned out perfectly! I love Holly in her costume haha. Looks like the party was a fun time. All the festive foods look fantastic, especially those cupcakes!

  2. Love the costumes and the food looks wonderful!

  3. Looks like a great party!! Love all the details. Your costumes were perfect!! I love home made costumes!!

  4. You guys looked so cute- but no offense- your doggy stole the show! That's amazing!

  5. Too cute- love your costumes AND everyone else's at the party! She did a great job on all the food and decor :)

    We dressed up last weekend for a party- we went as pirates, so original, I know ;)

  6. I love Halloween! I love decorating for it and making costumes. We went to a party this weekend as well and had a blast! Love the costume idea:) its ridiculous how much halloween costumes cost, i'd imagine it would be hard to get one that fits when you are preggers.

  7. So funny! My dad was a pastor and although it was would often my dad. I think it's pretty funny priest and a pregnant nun! Good job looks like you all had fun!

  8. Immaculate conception! Looks like an awesome party. I love the spiders on the wall and the vomiting pumpkin.

  9. i thought your comstume was sooo cute!! love it! and that guy that dressed up as obama really does look like him shhh... i hope that doesn't offend anyone!

  10. Love themed costumes, so cute! I've yet to convince my husband to do a coordinating costume with me ;)

  11. OMG that is hilarious! I love the "oops" HAHA Looks like yall had fun! This is the first year in a long time we havent dressed up and done something fun! This move has consumed us!

  12. I love Mother Consuela!! LOL! Looks like you had a great time at the party! All the food and drinks looked yummy!

  13. Too cute! Aaron seriously wanted me to be a pregnant nun!! I opted out of dressing up this year though... I'm too tired to party lol

  14. your costume is way awesome, love it! and i love the party goodies, looks like it was a fun party

  15. Hahah! I love this! I especially love the "Oops!" photo. Looks like such a fun party your sister threw- I think she looks awesome as a princess!


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