Monday, November 26, 2012

Perfect Sunday & Help!

Happy Cyber Monday!
Any good deals out there?
I finished up some shopping on Gap/ON/Banana 
with their 30% off, free shipping & extra discounts already on items.
I had a lovely Sunday--best one in a long, long time!!
You see, my husband is an ah-mazing cook.
His culinary skills completely wooed me in the beginning...
to the point where I was nervous to cook for him,
because I feared I wouldn't be as good!
He loves to try new recipes and isn't afraid of anything.
I was more of a reserved, follow the recipe, I don't want to mess it up kind of cook.
Obviously, since I quit my teaching job,
I took my cooking to a whole new level.
I began really experimenting with different flavors, spices, meats, and food cultures.
I must say that both my husband and I are most inspired by the Food Network.
I love my cookbooks,
but watching someone make a meal on TV 
really makes you feel empowered that you can do it too!
Friday night I had on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives
and we watched an episode or two,
and were completely salivating by the end of it.
{I'm still dreaming about a crazy grilled cheese sandwich & tomato bisque we saw}
Well, he turned to me and let me know he wanted to make me dinner,
and well, I certainly was not going to say no!!
I can't tell you the last time my hardworking, busy man, planned out a meal,
grocery shopped and cooked it himself!
I can tell you that I am SO SO SO happy that he did,
and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
I still had to do the dishes,
but it was still far better than any restaurant or take out we could have bought.
He kept asking me how I liked being a guy;
I was laying on the couch watching football while he slaved away in the kitchen.
He made garlic cheese scallops for an appetizer
and chicken a l'orange for dinner!!
It was excellent.
The 49ers won woop woop!!
We enjoyed a fire and hot cocoa as well.
I hope you all had a relaxing Sunday!
Now to clean and decorate for the best holiday everrrrrrrr....

I have pictures, but as I attempted to upload, it told me I've reached my limit?!
I now need to upgrade and pay to put more photos onto my blog?
Has this happened to any of you?!?!
Is there a way to delete photos I don't need on there?
I don't wanna pay $$$$


  1. Apparently you can hit a mass limit of 1000 pictures and the only way to get around it is to go and delete pictures from your account (something to do with Picasa?) See if this link helps:

    I only did research on this after reading your blog because I didn't know you could reach a limit. Hope this helps at least a little bit :/

  2. Say what?? Hmm I've never heard that either! Are you on blogger? I didn't know there was any limit!.. and that food sounds amaze!

  3. I think maybe once I move I'll be more inspired to cook! For the most part hubs does most of the cooking around here;) As for the photo thing.. I had the same thing happen, so weird. I looked for a way to delete photos and was unsuccessful. I paid the $2.95 only because I was irritated and wanted to ad more pictures.. pretty ridiculous though!


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