Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lucky Prego!

I already consider myself lucky,
I'm married to the man of my dreams.
I live the life I could have only wished for.
I have a beautiful baby girl on the way...
but lately, I really feel like this baby is bringing me tons of luck!!
Why you ask?
I've won more fun little giveaways on blogs since being prego...
In the last week alone, 3 lucky events have happened:
#1-- I randomly remembered I had a VS Rewards card.
I thought about just tossing it away, since usually it's $10
and I had no intention of making it back to a mall any time soon...
I didn't even purchase anything to get this card 
(Hello, being this big, nothing is attractive to me at this point)
but I received it in the mail.
I decided to put an item I really wanted in my online shopping cart,
just to see what the reward value was.
To my surprise, it was $50!!!
I was so excited.
 I got myself this pretty little thing:
image from VS
I got it a bit bigger and I'm thinking it will be cute, comfy, & cozy
enough to wear after I have my lucky bean.
It's soft and thin, so I don't have to worry about getting super hot in it.
Love it!!
 #2-I received a scratch-off card from my girlfriend Alison & I won $15!
{I never win on those silly things!}
It's a baby blanket with a swatch to put a scent on!
Check it out:
I thought that was pretty awesome..and just in time!
Thanks again Megan!!
Of course I've been enjoying my daily openings of my 25 gifts of Christmas...
Here's what I have received the last few days!
A huge cup with a straw...
She must have known I was down to my last one.
I love these things and the bigger, the better!!
 My lips are always in need of some gloss or chapstick.
Giada's tip for the holidays is to keep an extra in a kitchen drawer,
 if you're busy in there preparing holiday meals!!
Again, how did you know Al??
I used to get this magazine {along with a few others}
but with baby on the way, and me not really reading magazines a ton,
I've cancelled all my subscriptions.
Thank you!!
I love the holiday style issue!

My winnings!

Haven't gotten the hubs to paint the piggies yet,
but I love the sparkles!!!'s already on the diaper bag!!
And I had to switch today's gift with tomorrow' I'll share those next week!
One of my dear friends had her baby yesterday;
welcome to the world Baby Blake!
He was 10 pounds 6 ounces and sooo cute.
I'm hoping since Joe has today off, we get to meet him today!
It's so crazy because she's obviously been a few weeks ahead of me
this entire pregnancy, and now she's holding him in her arms.
That means my turn is coming soon--ahhh!!
Thank goodness the holidays are soon here to distract me a bit.
Have a fantastic Thursday!


  1. LUCKY GIRL! I never win on those victorias secret things lol I always check though out of habit;) Love all the gifts!

  2. My lifelong bff (known each other since kindergarten) was due 4 weeks exactly ahead of was really neat to experience pregnancy with her. Of course, Pierce had his own ideas and was born just 9 days after Whit!

  3. I love all your little gifts, those must be so fun to get!

  4. Congrats on winning so many giveaways. I like seeing your daily Christmas presents. Such a fun idea.

  5. awe your gifts are so fun and congrats on all your big winnings!


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