Monday, December 31, 2012

Ready for the New Year

I definitely believe New Year's is a bit over-hyped.
If you go out to eat, it's usually a fixed menu.
If you go out to the bars, you'll be waiting in line forever for a drink.
Everyone is sparkly, shiny and fabulous.
You either get so intoxicated you can barely function/remember the clock striking twelve,
You are sober and annoyed by the rest of the drunks actin' a fool.
That being said,
I look forward to being able to go out again one NYE!!
We stayed in last year,
cooked a fabulous meal,
played it low key...
and now looking back, I wish we had rocked out!
No, not really, as we had gone out years prior and were ready to stay in...
It was fun.
This year, as I patiently await our little baby,
there will be no bubbly,
no fancy meal,
no curling of the hair,
no getting all dolled up.
That's ok.
The only plans we have are to have no plans!
{Unless someone decides to come a few days early and give us some!!}
I'm slow cooking ribs, cleaning the house, paying bills, and taking down Christmas.
I supposed baby girl will eventually be here and it'd be nice to have that
all taken care prior to her arrival.
 Looking back, I'd have to say these moments stick with me most...
It was April.
In the midst of planning/hosting my sister's bachelorette/bridal shower
and her upcoming wedding...
I was working out hardcore and eating really healthy!
I was already down 10 pounds and feeling fabulous.
I fit back into my Seven Jeans.
And then the very next photo on my iPhone is this:
I had to take two because my husband didn't quite believe the first one.
I still don't know what possessed me to buy those pregnancy tests.
I guess I just felt compelled to check,
{thank goodness}
Since I had all the intention in the world of going crazy
at my sister's bachelorette party that weekend!
We then went on a cruise for my sister's wedding...
Not something I'd recommend during your first trimester
I never got sick, but man it was a long week.
I cannot believe how long ago it seems,
and yet how fast it flew by.
Before I knew it, 
it was Fall and our maternity photoshoot happened.
 I'm now as big as a house,
I am fairly certain my arm muscles are becoming toned
from heaving myself off of the couch/bed.
With 2013 at our fingertips,
what an absolutely amazing adventure it will bring!
As I sit here staring at this contraption called a breast pump,
I am hoping that I can figure it all out,
like many a mother before me,
and that having a baby really will be the best thing to ever happen to Joe and I.
I know there will be trying moments, but I cannot imagine the feeling we'll get
once we hold our little girl in our arms and look down upon something
so sweet and special that we created.
I'm sure my 2013 goals will include dropping these 60+ pounds I've put on,
but more than anything,
my biggest goal is to stay in the moment.
Enjoy each day with our baby girl,
my loving husband,
our crazy fur-babies,
our home,
and do my very best at it all.
I will not try to be 'perfect' but I will promise to do it all
with a happy heart.
With all the negativity in the news and horrific events that have occured,
it really is important to live simply and focus on the good.
It isn't always easy, I know.
I can easily get agitated and frustrated over the dumbest things,
but I will continue to work on focusing on all the blessings in my life.
Sure I hate the muddy paw prints and the constant shedding of dog hair,
but the dogs are healthy and happy.
Most importantly, my focus is on the birth of our baby.
I pray for a safe arrival of our little girl and that she's 100% healthy.
That's all that matters to me right now.
No matter how you'll be ringing in the New Year,
be sure to make 2013 one of your best years yet!
google images


  1. wow a year for you indeed and still the best part of course is coming, the arrival of your beautiful baby girl!! crazy how your life changes will just a little peeing on a stick well just to make sure two ;-) cant wait to see a post of your precious daughter!

  2. OMG you look AMAZING in the picture from the cruise!! BEAUTIFUL!! I'm sure you'll drop weight like craaaaazy after you have the baby. I lost most of my weight by 2 weeks after delivery... I still have about 7 pounds hanging on though... and so ready to start working out as soon as I get doc's ok! ;) 2012 was a great year for you... but 2013 is going to be so much better with Baby Brooke!!!


  3. Darling, that breast pump is frightening, but I promise it's not difficult. you know my email, and if you need it I'll give you my phone number if you have nursing/pumping questions

  4. Your "no plans" NYE sounds enviable to me! I may go that route next year :)

    I cannot believe that your baby girl is going to be here any day now! <3 Crazy exciting stuff!

  5. It's been a great year for you! I love your jeans picture followed by the pregnancy tests--haha. :) Happy new year!

  6. You are such a sweet girl! I love this post as a look back on your year. I hope you've enjoyed pregnancy but I'm sure you will be just as excited to meet your little girl soon :) Happy 2013!


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