Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy Tuesday

Just waiting around for my husband to get home,
so we can go see our little girl on the Ultrasound
and get some testing done to see how she's doing in there!
I really felt sick all day yesterday and didn't do much other than lay on the couch.
I'm feeling much better today--
I have to laugh at myself.
All of my clothes were dirty.
As in, all 2 pairs of pants, and my two pairs of leggings that fit
{since the other pair is designated for "the hospital bag"}
I would have had NO pants to wear to the doctor's appointment!!
Luckily I had time to do the laundry really quick.
I'm over this limited wardrobe,
and besides,
Miss Brooke Lynn--
your wardrobe is killing me hanging there all cute and pretty
and not being worn!!
And some fun quotes...

google images

Happy Tuesday loves!


  1. Hahah. I know you will be happy to have regular clothes again! :) It will make you appreciate a full closet. Happy Tuesday!

  2. Good luck at your appointment. Hopefully you go into labor on the way to the appointment but only if you want to. :)

  3. Girl, I hope Brooke comes soon! She's overstaying her welcome in your womb there! ;)

  4. Love that keep calm pic - so cute! Good luck with Ms. Brooke!

  5. good luck with you and your baby :)

    so excited to join your blog!

    i hope you follow back.

    cheers to blogging! :)

  6. I check your Instagram and blog multiple times each day wondering if Brooke Lynn has arrived yet! :) I am so excited for you guys and am keeping you in my nightly prayers each evening <3

    Too funny about the laundry! Hahah

  7. No baby girl yet?! She is definitely going to be fashionably late :)

  8. Been there, done that! She will be here soon and then trust me you will LOVE your workout pants and literally live in them, with the PERFECT excuse!

  9. seen on instagram where she is finally here!! YAY! congrats to you!!!

  10. I know she's here so just wanted to say welcome!!


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