Friday, January 4, 2013

Holiday Re-cap 2012

Since I keep thinking baby will be here any minute...
I sort of neglected to mention my holidays.
I figured since today is my due date, 
I may as well stop focusing on her and not forget all the other happenings in my life.
I wanted to document them simply because I love looking back at 
all that we've done and I don't want to leave things like this out!
So here's a little peek into our Christmas.
I finished opening all of my lovely 
25 days of gifts from my friend Alison:
She stopped by with a tin full of cookies.
They were SO delicious,
I barely shared any.
The molasses dipped in something frosting were awesome!!
Sorry I never took a picture.
 A fun little scented candle!
 Hello, soy lattes!!
 She made homemade body scrub--
smells amazing.
These little devils are to die for!!
I heart Trader Joe's.
{and I successfully hid these form the hubs til yesterday!}
 And for her final gift,
how freakin awesome?!
 It was such a fun way to get through December.
I cannot imagine how much time it took to pick out thoughtful
and meaningful gifts for this mama to be;
Al, I am so so so grateful!!
Love you girl!! :)
As for our Christmas celebrations...
on the Sunday before Christmas my family came over.
Lots of presents under the tree!
 Festive dining room
 My sister and her friend were "Santa's elves" and passed out gifts
Mimosas in hand.
We snapped what we hoped would be 
"One last prego picture"
My husband, myself, my step-mom Tricia and my dad
 That brings us to Christmas Day.
Hubs and I exchanged gifts and took it easy.
He got Brooke her first gift from daddy:
So soft and cuddly!
 And after we opened all the gifts,
I went up to take a shower.
In the shower, there was one last wrapped gift.
How awesome?!
 We hadn't gotten one, and he decided to give it to me for
Christmas. I feel so much better knowing we'll have a little video
to watch her on now!!
His parents stopped by for a bit and we exchanged with them.
Here I am...still prego!
For dinner it was just the two of us
and I've been really good not eating a ton of seafood,
but I scored a deal on 16oz lobster tails
I figured I'm so close, a little lobster won't be awful.
They were so delicious.
He mixes:
White Wine
Lemon Juice
Chopped Garlic
and drizzles it over
and bakes them in the oven.

 We made a yummy salad and lemon risotto.
I spent the rest of the day being comfy.
 And cuddling with Holly.
He was still recovering from being sick,
so it was nice to not have to run around this year.
I appreciated it as well,
since well, I don't 'run around' very easily.
It was probably our last quiet and relaxing holiday,
for many many years to come.
and for New Years?
Couch position. 
As quiet as our 2012 holidays were,
I cannot wait to share them with our baby in 2013.


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)