Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Family Fun

Hello, last week of February!?!
How was your weekend?
Our was awesome.
Friday started with my 6 week postpartum check up.
Old Navy has some amazing clothes lately!
Leggings, long tank, and an over sized long sleeved shirt are my bffs.
I did get the "Go ahead" from my doctor.
However, as for my pelvic pain,
he said it may take 3 months to completely heal.
He suggests walking for my 'workouts'.
 Take advil and baths for pain.
And listen to my body.
Well, after walking in Target and the grocery store
I could feel it getting aggravated, so basically that just sucks.
I'll try a chiropractor this week (even though the dr said it probably won't help)
Moving along...
Daddy babysat while I was out and about, so that was great!
When I got home it was time for cuddles
We had a fun little evening in.
Eating sushi and leftovers.
And loving this one.
Saturday I cleaned the house.
We also had our first play date!
My friend Jamie brought her son Blake {3 weeks older} over
In typical baby fashion, they played a little,
ate some more,
and slept a lot!
It was great to catch up with another new mommy!!
Saturday night my husband was going to grill...
but then at the store stumbled upon another idea.
We are not huge lamb lovers,
but they had these organic ones and Joe saw the recipe:
Pesto & Panko.
Yup, that's it!
I whipped up my own pesto and he slathered it on,
sprinkled panko and baked it in the oven.
It was pretty good!
A totally different taste than other meats,
but a nice little treat nonetheless.
We watched the movie Argo and thought it was great!
Sunday brought family fun day!
We packed up and headed out to my dad's for the day.
It was the first time my niece met my daughter.
We didn't get to give our niece her Christmas presents
or her birthday gifts {hers is the day after Brooke's!}
So she had fun opening lots of gifts!
BTW when did Barbie get to be such a hoochie? 
Has she always been?! haha
 Nana & Papa with Brooke
 Uncle Joey having a picnic with Adri
We went outside to see my husband fly his helicopter...
It was cold!
We devoured "Family Steak" and mashed potatoes.
It was delicious.
And before we knew it,
it was time to go.
I only wished we lived closer than 45 minutes away!
I love family weekends.
It's so hard to get a lot of great pictures...
I'm having so much fun just enjoying the time!
I need to get better at that.
Here's to a great week ahead.


  1. Looks like you had a great weekend!

    I still haven't had time to finish my email to you, but maybe try yoga for the pelvic pain? I have a really bad back, and it is amazing for my pain issues.

  2. Love the baby pics! I just bought a ton of clothes from Old Navy too. Their spring stuff is really cute.

    You're not imagining it--Barbie has become a hoochie. The ones I had in the 80s were much more classy and not so trashy.

  3. ahh, hopefully you feel better soon. that sucks you're in so much pain. doctors will never recommend a chiropractor because i don't think they want to believe they work when in fact they work miracles in my book. check it out!

  4. I had to look twice at the last picture. I thought Brooke was a doll the first time!!

  5. YOU LOOK FAB! Glad you are easing back into feeling normal again, but seriously you look amazing for just pushing out a baby! :) XOXO

  6. that lamb looks SO yummy! I might have to try that recipe! I watched argo this weekend also - perfect timing before the oscars!

  7. You look better than I do at 6 months!! I'm obsessed with Old Navy for me and little miss!

  8. Ummm can we talk about that lamb?! Yummmmmm, you look ah-mazing!

  9. You look awesome!!!!!!!!! Love your bracelet, too!


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