Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Weekends in February

I feel like each day gets better and better being a mommy.
Fridays are always my favorite because Joe has them off.
It's so nice because most people work still,
so I feel like it's extra special we can spend the day together 
as a family of three and do whatever we want without a ton
of places being super busy.
Daddy making faces and Brooke imitating them!
Not that we really went anywhere,
but Friday we did go for a nice long drive.
We are always looking for land to build our future home on.
We stopped and picked up some sushi
and came home.
I took the dogs on a nice walk for the first time in months
{the pain is still there in my pelvis, but I needed to move}
We built a fire,
(So easy and sooooo good!)
and called it a night.
Daddy brought Brooke down,
put her in the swing,
and she just kills me with her looks.
I cleaned a bit and my girl Alison came over for a visit,
while her husband took their kids out to lunch with some coworkers.
The twins wanted to meet baby Brooke though!
They're getting so big!
Joe got caught up at work an extra hour and a half...
we patiently waited.
 When he got home I could tell he wasn't feeling great.
It was a quiet night and by the morning,
he was definitely feeling the effects of his Crohn's.
As always, we never know what "triggered" it to flare up,
but he spent Sunday and Monday on the couch.
I just hate when he's sick;
the energy in the house is sad and there's no laughing.
We caught up on Revenge and I looked through cookbooks
so I could try to get ahead on meal planning,
once Joe can eat again...
I also had the Baby Book out...
and Brooke was reading to me about what she should be able to do by two months.
I had scheduled my mama in law Maria to babysit a few hours..
I felt so guilty leaving Joe and the baby,
but she assured she would take good care of them.
It was nice to get out for a few hours.
I stocked up on some healthy eats at Trader Joes
and some fun new scented soaps at Bath and Body Works.
My toes got a new look
and of course a Vanilla Spice Latte.
We watched Sky Fall and it was pretty good.
Again, days when my husband is sick,
makes all the small crap seem irrelevant.
Feeling healthy is so important;
take good care of yourselves and your loved ones!
We pray Brooke won't get Crohn's,
as watching my husband in pain is awful enough.
I cannot imagine seeing my little girl in that sort of pain too.
Just be thankful for this day and live it to its fullest!!


  1. I hope hubby feels better soon. Poor guy. You are just a Mommy pro!! Look at you. I am glad you got some you time though!! :)

  2. PS. She is beautiful!! I wish I could come over and visit. :*(

  3. i hope hubby is feeling better.

    Brooke is beautiful! i hope she doesn't get Crohn's either.

  4. Holy cow, she is BEAUTIFUL!! Just like her mommy!! So glad you get to enjoy your Fridays together. And I love Trader Joes!!

  5. she's so cute!
    and she imitates her dad making faces? that's even cuter

  6. My dad has had Crohn's for years now..it sucks but he has finally gotten it under control for the most part. He takes a ton of medicine every day but he's on a pretty good routine! Once Joe figures out what triggers his flare ups hopefully things will get better :) It's a sucky disease and I am thankful I don't have it yet, but I'm nervous that I could get it some day!!!

    But it looks like you guys have had some pretty great days otherwise :)

  7. Brooke always looks so alert. What a happy little girl!

    I hope your husband is feeling better. Sending thoughts your way!


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