Monday, May 20, 2013

Date Night & Sunday Fun

Let's talk about the importance of "Date Night," shall we?

Some of us work long, hard hours in an office.  Some of us travel in cars, or by planes to make that money honey.  Some of us labor in classrooms, hoping that a single word of what we talk about sticks with maybe just one child.  Some of us have uptight bosses, angry co-workers, and window-less cubicles.   And some of us wipe dirty bums, clean boogies out of noses, read books, administer tummy time, and cater to every whimper, every cry, every odd little noise that comes out of this precious and teeny human being.

And just like every other job; mama needs a break!

I used to get mad at my friends with children who didn't take date nights. I couldn't fathom why they wouldn't make themselves a priority and just go out. Alone. SANS KIDS! Well, news flash; it's not always that easy.

Hubs and I have gone out a total of 4 times without our baby girl.  Two date nights, a night out for my brother's 21st limo birthday and last night.

Not bad considering Brooke is only 4 months old, but holy cow I almost didn't feel like getting all dolled up and going out {because what's the point, I'm "just a mom" now}.  Well, shame on me!!

Dress/st. martin//shoes/Lucky Brand from VS//Jacket/ON Maternity {yes}

While it's still a tad difficult to dress my post-partum self, I'm just trying to make the most of it and wear what I feel confident in.  A great pair of shoes {comfy and cute!} and fancy makeup usually helps. 

My sister and her friend got here and I poured myself a giant glass of Pinot and ran up the stairs.  I figured the faster I got ready, the more time hubby and I could enjoy his two-seater and our night out, just the two of us.  

not sure why the photo is stretching like that...

I am pretty sure by the glow on my face, it was much needed. Our last 'date night' alone was in March.  April came and went by far too quickly!  But let me just tell you, I have not laughed so hard, and had such a wonderful time with my best friend, my husband, in so long.  Each time we sneak out of the house together for a few precious hours, we feel more connected, stronger and so much happier.  It's crazy how important it is to take that time and re-kindle that amazing spark that was ignited years ago.  I love him so much and every date night, I always feel like Cinderella, who got to go to her ball.   We wanted to see The Great Gatsby but the timing was not working out for "dinner and a movie" so we decided to do dinner instead.

We went to the same restaurant we dined at in March; Char and started with some bubbly!

Gotta love the champs!

I got the Beet Salad as an appetizer...

While I appreciated the spin with the mozzarella cheese, it was rather bland.  It also had a few pieces of prosciutto, some red quinoa, a couple leaves of arugula, oil & balsamic vinegar.  In this case, I would have preferred goat cheese, as it just adds a little more flavor.  Just my culinary opinion because it really matters to you, I'm sure.

I also ordered a giant cheeseburger {seriously, the size of my head!} I forgot to snap a photo and I only could eat half.  I enjoyed the sauteed mushrooms; we'll be adding those to our own homemade sirloin burgers next time around.

After dinner we drove around with the windows down singing/rapping our favorite Jay-Z songs.  After that we stopped by our friends' house for a little bit, and headed home.

Sunday we attended a friend's baby "sprinkle" as they're expecting another baby girl!  It was a gorgeous day and it was so nice to be outside with Brooke.

She was excited to be sporting her cute new sandals, hat & romper!!

 Brooke's first "outside swing" experience!!

All tuckered out!

Hubs has this WHOLE week off...and little miss B and I get him all to ourselves; we are lucky, lucky ladies.


  1. Girlfriend you are simply gorgeous!!

  2. looks like a fun weekend!:) and have fun this week with your man!! ;) try to get some day dates outta him!

  3. Thanks for sharing! My baby is 6 weeks and I am in major need of a date night!

  4. I completely understand what you mean about fitting in date nights. I'm so tired that most of the time I just want a glass of wine and my dvr at the end of the day. B and I will do day dates. His position allows him the flexiblity to make his own hours, so he'll take a weekday off, the in-laws will come over to be with the baby and the dogs and we'll do lunch, shopping...whatever.

    I'm not ready for evening dates because I still like to do bedtime routine with E....not quite sure if or when I'll be able to let someone else do it for me. =)

  5. You looked great for your date night and at the baby party! YAY for having the hubby off for the week :)

  6. OK. #1 Date nights are SOOO SUPER IMPORTANT!! I plan to have one shortly after Savanna's arrival. My Mom has already offered to babysit. No guilt here. I'm sure I'll miss her like CRAZY but us Moms need time to ourselves or else we'll go insane and end up like crazy old cat ladies. #2 I'm unsure what your talking about when you say you have trouble "dressing" your postpartum self. I mean really Jenn? You look fabulous. #3 I'm pretty sure that hat on those sandals on Brooke are the cutest things I've ever seen! She's such a little diva.. NO idea where she gets that from;)

  7. Date night? What is date night??? SR is 6 months + 1 week and I have not been on a single date night! Buuuut... we don't live near family and I only know one or two people here that I would trust leaving her with. It's not really the ideal situation. There is NO WAY I would leave her at the day care here (I've heard HORROR stories!) and I don't even trust her with some of our closest friends because of how crazy their kids are! Yikes! I've been out by myself/with the girls and left her with Aaron... but never for a date night! Crazyyyy. We're long overdue. We are actually kinda-sorta considering leaving her with a very close friend (who is a GRANDMOTHER! haha!) for a date night this weekend to celebrate my graduation from college (yay!)!! :\ I'm already worried and we haven't even decided for sure! haha...



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