Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy Thursday

Know what's cool?? My husband actually gets a day off of work tomorrow! He has worked June 3-today June 20 without a day off.  I have never met a man who works as hard as mine.  I made sure to not 'plan' anything tomorrow {or Sunday} as the guy just needs time to rejuvenate and relax. 

Love this.

We miss his grandma and really need to see her, so hopefully we will get to do that.  Otherwise, I hope to just chill out and enjoy the awesome weather we are supposed to be getting.  Summer is so close, I can taste it!!

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 I'm hoping to make it to Zumba tonight, as I have gone the last two Thursday evenings and just love going to that class.  I am still working hard at trying to move every day; some days are tricky to fit it in, and I get tired.  I am proud that I am continuously feeling stronger and better with each workout.  I just need to stay motivated!!

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But, I really can't complain because baby girl is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!  She was getting up around 3 or 4 for a feeding, but lately I put her down around 9 and she'll sleep until we're up at 7/7:30.  Then she's right back down for a nap around 9:30 am

And my sink is full of dishes {which is impressive because it's a HUGE sink haha} and baby girl is napping so, the rush begins to see how much I can actually accomplish before she awakens once again.

Happy Thursday lovies!!


  1. YAY for hubby having a day off! What a hard worker! Love all the prints you have. And what a bonus Brooke is sleeping through the night! YAY!

  2. Yay for a sttn baby! It makes all the difference! I still remember the first time M slept 6 hours straight. I literally felt like a new woman!

  3. I love that why complicate life one!

  4. Baby is so pretty sleeping. Glad your Hubby got the off... I wish mine would soon

  5. Oh man, that is a looong time to work with no breaks! I hope you guys enjoy some time off to just relax! And awwww, the baby is so precious!

  6. yay for the bebe sleeping through the night!and days off with the hubby!

  7. How cute!

  8. Haha, you sound like me with the rushing to get things done before baby wakes. I did invest in a K-tan sling that has at least helped me somewhat with getting a little more done then I was at first. I'm SO excited that summer is FINALLY here! I can't wait to start enjoying it!

  9. Enjoy the weekend with your sweet little family!!


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