Thursday, October 24, 2013

My First Blate

I had SO much fun in Jersey!! It was a bit of a whirlwind, and the total of 12 hours driving was a little tiring, but incredibly worth every minute. Thank you so much Nikki for letting me crash your party!! And Danielle, you are just incredible for coming all the way up from Georgia. Thanks for such an unforgettable "Blate!" [blogging date]

I made awesome time: 6 hours, not stopping and I even got a little mixed up at the Jersey turnpike. You NJ drivers are craaaaazy!! What the heck is this little confusing ticket all about?  So many choices! ha

I also got yelled at by a little old man, telling me it is ILLEGAL to pump your own gas in NJ. Say whaaa?  So strange.  Only in Jersey!

I plastered notes all over my house so that my husband and mother in law could keep our "routine" as close to normal as possible.   I left a little after 7am on Friday and so Joe and Brooke had a whole Daddy/Daughter day.  They went to lunch, to the mall (for hunting goods!) and over to our friends' house. They had a ball! Saturday he had to work, so my MIL came over and not only watched Brooke, but made us homemade Chicken French (MY FAVORITE!) and banana bread.  I came home to a delicious dinner and my happy little family.  It was heavenly!!
I stayed with Nikki and her fiance and was so excited to meet my team!  Yes, those sweatshirts are as comfy and cozy as they look!  LOVE it!

You can read more about our "Blate" on Danielle's blog here and Nikki's blog here.

We had a team dinner, a mixer and some business training.  I am pumped and ready to start having mixers on my own!!

Our goodbyes came too quickly, but this picture captured our emotions well: thankful for blogging, making new friends, and joining together on such an awesome team.

While it was hard to get the courage to leave my baby & husband, drive a lot of hours for a short trip, it definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. That, my friends is a great thing.  We get all to comfortable doing the same old, same old, once in awhile we need to get outside of our safe zones and fly a little.  

What's in store this weekend?  Lots of catching up with my husband.  4 years ago he proposed to me, and the month of October has absolutely flown by.  We need some time to relax, unwind, and re-connect.  Balance can be tricky, but you must keep your priorities straight.

Happy Thursday!


  1. so nice.. looks like you had a great time...

  2. Love seeing this! Nikki is the BEST!

  3. So glad you had a great time!! :)

  4. Oh how fun! I love that you got to meet your Advocare team :)

  5. Looks like you had an amazing time!....That NJ turnpike ticket gives me anxiety just looking at it!

  6. What a fun and productive trip! Also- illegal to pump your own gas?! Say whaaaat?

    Maybe I need to move there.

    Pumping gas is one of my least favorite chores!


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