Sunday, November 10, 2013

A boo hoo and Holiday treats!

Hello! I'm very sad to say, that my laptop has died. So with that said I am not enjoying blogging from my cell phone. I'm going to have to catch up on my blogs when my new laptop arrives. 

I will enjoy my little family until then. 

In the meantime, check out these holiday products from AdvoCare. They are so delicious. I love to warm up the gingerbread bar, in the microwave, for 15 seconds. It is so yummy!

The meal shake was also scrumptious! Perfect for the holidays. Enjoy some festive food without feeling the guilt!

Hope you're enjoying your day!!


  1. but for now you can enjoy your family and baby girl.. hope u are having a good weekend

  2. i just ordered mine! and boo hoo but hey new is always fun! ;)


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