Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Baby's First Halloween!

Hi friends! Day five is something about Bon Fire Night...and my mind is blank on that one.

 SOooooo, I'll share Brooke Lynn's first Halloween!!

We had so much fun dressing her up.  A part of me wanted to dress her up in a fuzzy cute baby costume, but I just couldn't find one I loved and wanted to spend the money on. I don't like spending money on Halloween costumes, I have never really loved this 'holiday' but I know my hubby does... so I knew we had to do something fun and cute!  I was going to attempt to make her a tu-tu skirt and buy a onesie; she'd be a 49ers cheerleader.  But then my awesome mama friend and Advo teammate Rachel saw this at a Kohl's in California [shocker, how our Kohl's only carries Bills and Giants stuff--boo!] so I thought it was PERFECT!

Also, my friend Lauren makes bows--how perfect is it!?

She loves "Bye bye"

Thank you again Rachael, you're the best!


Where's my candy ma??

Now she can wear it again on Sunday game days!! I'm not sure for how long, as it's sized 18 months, and well, fits my large baby perfectly!


Uncle Ty Ty with his nieces

I loved our matching costumes!

A girl and her glow stick
She was a riot!! She loved going door to door and seeing all the costumes and decorations.  I can't wait to see what it will be like in the years to come.

Thank you, my sweet girl, for allowing me to enjoy the little things like this again.  I haven't been "trick-or-treating in forever! It was so cute to see my niece all dress [even though you won't be allowed to eat all of your candy you will get, but it's for your own good haha!]

How did you spend your Halloween? We even watched a scary movie this past weekend, The Conjuring. Pretty freaky!!

{p.s. these blurry photos are making me realize how badly I need to bust out the "real camera"}


  1. She is adorable!!! What a cute little blessing you have been given! xoxo

    - Chelsesa

  2. I think you choose a great outfit for her for Halloween. We have the same one (except it's the Ravens of course) I didn't see any cute fuzzy warm costumes that stole my heart either. I snagged the Rapunzel dress on clearance last year before I even had Savanna so that's what she wore!

  3. What a cutie!! She looks so tall! Awe I just adore her! You look awesome mama!

  4. You all looked great! Here's a bonfire story for you...when I was in college I visited one of my roommates in San Diego where I experienced two firsts: my first bonfire, and banana schnapps. Both weren't my thing. =)

    Have a great day!

  5. you are so welcome! and she looked adorable! You even found such a perfect little trick or treat bucket! Such cute photos!


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