Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hobbies & Such

I have started and stopped many hobbies.  There are a few that really mean a lot to me or that I find myself wanting to do more of...

 I really love to bake and cook, but I really scaled back since there are only two of us and we don't really live close by much family.  [However, little miss Brooke is becoming an eating machine and that excites me!!] I hate wasting food and you can only freeze so much! I am excited to get my bake on now that the holidays are near.  I don't really make up my own recipes, but I do sometimes take a few and come up with what seems to work best for us.

What will I be baking?   Cookies, breads, biscotti.  All are very portable to share!!

Cooking?  It has been a very long time and I am dying for some of my FAVORITE macaroni and cheese.  My mom made it when I was younger and OMG it is hands down, the best ever.  It's obviously not something you should eat all the time, but I make it like once a year...and well, that time is coming!  It does freeze well and everyone loves it.  It's worth eating salads for breakfast and dinner and having this for lunch!! Haha and don't forget the Carb Ease!

"Over the Rainbow" Patti LaBelle's Macaroni and Cheese

I also would say another hobby would be blogging.  I try to keep up as often as I can, but I don't let it pressure me ever.  Sure I wish had more time to leave comments, connect with more people, and write every day.  But like everything, you just do what you can and do your best at it.  I've always loved writing and I love reading, so when I began this blog back in 2011, it was the perfect match!! Plus,  with my mom living in SC and my grandma down there too, it's nice they can keep up to date with what's going on...{hi!!!}

I try to read books too. I just love to find good fiction books that just consume me!  I haven't really had a book do that to me since The Help a few years ago.  I carried that book every where I went;  my nose was in it at every free moment I had!! Any good recommendations??  I've read a few leadership books that are great: The Slight Edge and I'm now reading The Traveler's Gift.

I have also mentioned how I love dancing.  When I can get to a Zumba class and I always love that.  I am really making an effort to move more too--I did yoga at home last week a few times, and this week I am dusting off my old friend Jillian Michaels.  I can play it on my new lap top and she can kick my butt any where!  I know if I just keep doing it, I'll keep up with it.  It's starting a routine that I struggle with.

I feel like the iPhone can easily replace all these hobbies...and not in a good way! I don't play games on it, I personally feel like it wastes my time.  However, I do use instagram and scroll Facebook meaninglessly, so I am working on that.  I do like to watch You Tube videos often instead of TV, as I don't really watch any tv.  I learn new recipes, mommy tips, or silly little ways people live their lives.  Some what odd, I know, but I do enjoy it.

So all in all, I do try to keep my hobbies healthy and productive.  I know that Brooke will be really watching me, and paying attention to what I do and how I live.  I can't wait until I can take her to the library and we can pick out books together.  I love turning on music and having a dance party with her already, I can't wait until she can dance all on her own!

What are your hobbies?  What are your thoughts on the smartphones and how they tend to steal some of our 'hobby' time away [or have become our hobby]?

1 comment:

  1. i'm the same way with my phone! and the laptop.. I spend too much time on them.. even while Kenz is just playing right in front of me. I need to remind myself to put it down and enjoy it and play with her.


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