Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Currently: Holiday Edition

Hey hey hey!  It's crazy busy and I am sooo trying not to stress out that Christmas is a week away! Gahhhh.  When the heck did that happen?!  Oy.  I have a gazillion things to do and I just keep writing lists, crossing things off and then realizing I need to do more!!

SO?  I figured I would sit for a moment and blog.  Makes sense, right?



Just devoured sushi from Wegmans.  Slices of salmon and tun with a drizzling of lemon. I just freaking love sushi and feel like some day {not saying soon} but I will hopefully be prego again and that is one thing I will miss so much haha!  And because I am freezing, a bowl of soup.


I just got the book How to Win Friends and Influence People. I am getting mad at myself for trolling FB and Instagram aka wasting my time; I need a focus.


On the menu for tonight, my Mango Avocado Salsa Tilapia. I blogged about it back in February I want to say, I have no idea where though. Sorry!

Blackened sliders tomorrow night!

Pork tenderloin

Grilled Chicken wings

**I have been a bad housewife and failed to plan menus the last few weeks and then I get stressed and it AINT NO FUN.  So I'm back on that now...


Very Merry Cranberry in my Scentsy--Cranberry reminds me of my grandma; she loved cranberry anything and the holidays make me miss her so... I wish to visit her in California. I also want to visit my mom and my other grandma in SC.  Miss you all!!


Hubs is on vacay detail--I believe he is looking into Cuba {he claims it will be the up and coming place to travel?! Jay-Z and Beyonce just went there.  As much as I pretend we are basically just like Bonnie and Clyde, I am not so sure about Cuba??}  He also mentioned the Domincan.  Thoughts?

Cuba looks pretty nice though...

An ADK weekend with my family in Feb--as our "family" gift to each other; spending quality time.  In unison now, "awwwwwww".  PS there are two friendly ghosts at this house we are renting. I cannot wait to see what that is all about!

NYE reservations have been made! WOOOOOOOOP!  I found a restaurant we like and they're serving an overpriced fixed menu that looks fabulous; I cannot wait to get my sparkle and champs on!

Listening to:

I think there are SO many great tunes out right now.  I am just loving Christmas music though!


Well my friend baked the cookies, but Brooke and I are heading over when she wakes up to frost sugar cookies and exchange gifts with Alison and the twins; yay!

Making me smile:

My daughter. Can you stand it?  My MIL bought this cute outfit and she is so cute!!

She is stubborn and doesn't like being held back.  #excusemymessplease

My new Pottery Barn tree skirt is BIG enough and matches our stockings; hooray!

Looking forward to:

Friday I am getting my brows done--goodness they're horrible!! More importantly, we plan on taking Brooke to see Santa Friday too!

Working on:

Wrapping presents, planning Brooke's birthday, and finding time to balance it all.

Sometimes you just need to sit and write. I really feel like getting some of this out there, makes me see that I have some awesome stuff happening in my life and if I don't step back and take a look from time to time, I get lost in the holiday hustle and bustle.

What's up in your world currently?


  1. GIRLFRIEND. I totally agree..I'm getting so wrapped up in the Christmas stress that I'm forgetting to slllllooow down and just chill. Thanks for the reminder. Ahh..planning Brooke's birthday already?! NO WAY. Time is going too fast. Where is the pause button?!

    Totally jealous you guys are planning a trip to a nice island. I could use a vacay like that, Hubs and I are planning a trip to St. Lucia for our 5 year anniversary but that's 3 years away. Looks like its to the local beach and back to Disney for us next year!

  2. That's a good read!

    Happy almost Christmas!

  3. Brooke looks precious!!! Also, I am realizing I need to make NYE plans like yesterday, ahhh!


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