Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It's the Holiday Season

How is it December 10th?! I cannot believe it.  I am so happy to report that our house is MUCH happier, healthier, calmer and so much better this week....Sadie girl is doing well and is more like our puppers every day!! Thank you again for all the prayers and well wishes.  I believe they worked! 

Our little Christmas miracle.

Joe had the weekend off and it was a tad stressful [with the dog] but we made the most of it and enjoyed our time!  Friday we went to his grandma's house to "help"make some Italian cookies.  I didn't bring the pack-and-play {stupid}and so she was rather difficult to entertain and try to help bake.  It was so nice to see his family and spend some time there.  I was a rather stressed from Sadie and worrying about her, so I do hope to get some more cookie baking enjoyment in!

An Italian lunch...

Grandma feeding the babe....look at her belly!!

A *fraction* of the cookies made!

Great-grandma & Brooke {and Holly's sister Roxy!}

Saturday was kind of a "catch up" day.  Cleaning, laundry, {mostly towels} and taking care of the dog.   However, we snuck out for sushi and saw a movie---thank you Alison for babysitting!!--- I just love love love getting all dolled up!! I don't really wear super pretty and nice stuff when caring for Brooke all day.  I'm mostly covered in slobbery and food bits.  Our dogs shed a ton of fur and heels just aren't manageable with an 11 month old!! I really wanted to wear my new lace top from Express.  I paired it with a black cami, black skirt [from Urban Outfitters--never worn! I bought it right before we got pregnant!] black tights and my Aldo boots. I. Felt. Like. A. Million. Bucks.

Debating on how to wear this....

It was cold. Threw on a faux fur vest.

---As for the movie--OMG if you haven't seen Hunger Games 2--Catching Fire, you have got to do yourself a favor and go see it!  We really enjoyed the first one, but we were at home and watched it.  I believe it was the summer time and I was prego.  This time seeing it on the big screen was so amazing!! Joe and I couldn't believe that it was over when it was.  A great release away from our hectic and crazy [seizure dog] week.

Sunday we got up early and grabbed Panera breakfast sandwiches and headed to the Public Market to look for a tree.  None were big enough, but we did get a wreathe.  We headed back to our trusty tree place and found a winner!

My fur babies!

Doesn't it look like Sadie smiled?

We couldn't watch the game on cable, so we had the NFL Redzone on and the game pulled up on the internet!

My perfect Sunday Eve.

We enjoyed a cozy fire, decorating the tree, a Niners win, and delicious venison steaks on the grill.

Oh the holidays, you can't beat home, sweet home!!


  1. SO glad this week is better for you. I can't believe Christmas is almost here!!!!

  2. Your tree is so pretty!! And I love your outfit!

  3. Sounds like a fun weekend. Love your outfit for date night & I can't wait to see Catching Fire!!
    So glad Sadie's doing better!

  4. Love the lace top! Adorable!

    So glad Sadie is feeling better!

  5. tree looks great. glad everything is better now with sadie.. yay


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