Thursday, January 16, 2014

Workout Link-Up Coming!

How is your new year going?  Have you started working on any of those goals you set for yourself?

I still have a lot of organization to do around here and I desperately need to meal plan [more].  I will say that I am motivating myself for workouts though!  To workout here and there is one thing, but to hold myself even more accountable, I am co-hosting a link up each Sunday to share what I did for the week in workouts!  Yes, I said it!! I am so pumped to be co-hosting a linkup. I've never done that before and this should be fun!

Where can you link up? Nikki, Ashley and myself!  Fabulous Nikki who is expecting her first baby in 20 more weeks, decided to re-instate her "Week in Workouts" and offered others to co-host!   You can read more about her here.

We are also linking up with Ashley.  She blogs over here.

Each Sunday we will post our workouts from the week.  It doesn't have to be anything crazy, please.  Just get up and move, sweat, burn some calories and get that heart pumping!  I know it's hard, I am straight up honest I don't love working out. I love how I feel after I'm done, but the whole get up and go?  I really need to push myself.  I just know how good it is to sweat; even if it's for 20 minutes 3 x a week.  That's my goal.  If I can get more, awesome!  I hope to share lots of success, but if I have an off week, you'll see that too.  

Plus, it will keep me blogging too! I know Sundays are family days, but maybe you can just track your workouts on a post and just have it publish on Sunday.  I LOVE hearing about new fun workouts and seeing others working hard motivates me to push myself.  {I may have even told my hubs, Friday from here on out will be Family Fitness Fridays! haha} Seriously, I believe that good health is so important to a happy life.

So you still have a few days left this week and we are starting THIS Sunday {19th}.  What workouts can you do before then?  Come back and share with us on Sunday!

From My Life to Our Life


  1. Very excited to be co-hosting with you!

  2. very exited to post some of my workout I'm going to try two times a work because I go to Physical therapy twice a week

  3. I am definitely participating in this! Can't wait!

  4. I post a Sunday link up like this too. It works well!

  5. This is awesome. I've been doing Fitness Friday to share my workouts, so I'll be jumping in even though my post will be up a few days early. I need more motivation!

  6. So excited about this! I am starting a real plan this weekend and going for my first run tomorrow!


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)