Monday, February 17, 2014

Updates {cleansing and such}

Not to get all cheesy on you, but I am so grateful and blessed for Danielle and Nikki to have shared AdvoCare with me.  I really think it's funny (now) to look back at my former self and see how ridiculous I was being.  I had every excuse in the book, and I used them all, as to why those "last 10 pounds" would not budge.  [The oh, woe is me post here]

I would have never in a million years dreamt that my journey with AdvoCare would lead me to where I am today.  Sure I have lost weight and feel awesome {what mama doesn't want more energy and to fit into her skinny jeans?!} but I also continue finding myself.  It pushes me to read leadership books, get on phone calls, connect with people, and it gives me hope.

Do you still dream?  You should.  You know that saying, if your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough.  For some reason, we tend to just get comfortable. We settle for average.  The average American is overweight.  The average American has loads of debt. The average American eats junk food….


When I heard that, it downright bothered me.  I don't want to be average.  Is it bad to be just average?

In my head average was like in school, what, a C?  This girl didn't want a C. Or a B.  I wanted an A.

I still want an A in life. I want to know that I gave my all, did my best, and that one day I'll look back when I'm old and gray and smile because I lived a full and beautiful life.

There are times when I want to just stay in my cozy bed and pout because I haven't seen the grass or the sun in what feels like years, but really just days or weeks.  There are times I want to be lazy and do nothing…

And then? I read some more of my book, The Traveler's Gift.  [Disclaimer: everyone should own a copy of this book.] It took me back to my teaching days and how optimistic Anne Frank was.  I teared up as I pictured the room she stayed in, without going outside for fresh air.  In 2010 Joe and I went to Amsterdam and visited the Annex.

How dare I not be grateful for all that I have and all that I can be happy for.

Thank you for that reminder.

So even though most people are simply interested in the weight loss, this journey is so special to me and  I love how it's helping me through days that may not seem so great. [Like today, when Joe is sick with Crohn's and Brooke continues to fight off her Bronchiolitis/RSV and again fun family day plans are cancelled.]

It's more than just a Spark for me.  It's more than a number on the scale.  That's great and all, but the real relationships I continue to build, the more I work on myself, the happier I become.  I also just LOVE getting positive feedback from people who are on their journeys as well.

So with that off of my heart, onto the cleanse…

I keep it pretty simple and kind of routine, as the meals I eat are completely different from Joe's.  That's ok though, it helps keep me in line!

I eat 6 times a day. Every 2-3 hours, whenever I'm getting hungry I eat.  The first 10 days I try so hard to make it as clean as possible--no dairy, no processed, no refined sugar, no white starch.

For example:
Breakfast: Egg and fruit
Snack: Orange and almonds
Lunch: Salad with chicken breast
Snack: Apple & almond butter
Dinner: Clean Crockpot burrito w/ black beans and avocado
Dessert: Chia pudding with berries

I even made myself Chia Pudding-- Thank you Alison for sharing that recipe!

It was almond milk and it thickens with the chia seeds.

SUPER filling and really not that bad at all!

I know how tiresome it is to clean the dishes after every meal. To feel like the sink is never empty. That I am peeing every hour---but to me? That is WORTH it.  I always go back to my mom's "oxygen mask theory."  If you don't take care of yourself and put yourself first once in awhile, NOTHING will get done and NO ONE will get taken care of properly.

So to me, the excuse of "I don't have time to cleanse" is just that. An excuse. If you want to get healthier and feel better, you make time.  It's worth it, trust me.

WOW moment:

A pair of jeans that have not fit this booty since I was 26.  {as in when I first met Joe!!}

Still working on trimming the little muffin top…pardon the pink bra.

THAT impressed me.  I still don't feel "super comfy" in them, as there is no stretch, but the fact that they zipped up and fit over my butt? Woop!

I say this a lot to everyone I coach. I saw this posted and it's so true--

80% of what you eat should be clean.  That way you have 20% for wiggle room--to enjoy something deliciously naughty.  I hate saying "cheat" but let's be real. If you ate burger-like foods 80% of the time, you're not gonna feel well or look your best.

I cannot stress this enough; it's NOT a diet.  It really does teach you how to eat and what to eat.  Sure it's a "24 Day Challenge" but it's meant to transform you for life. It did for me and so many others.

Some of my positive texts this week! I have some real dedicated friends I am helping out. I love helping them get healthy and see results!!

And I cannot remember if I shared a photo or not, but this is Rachel.  Mama has it GOING ON!  She is 55 pounds lighter since starting her AdvoCare journey.  And? She is a nursing mama.  She is still giving her little girl all that good milk and losing weight.  The best part?? She is a SAHM who is now on track to making $500-1000 extra a month. How incredible?  I am so proud of you; you give me inspiration for when I get prego again one day! Keep on rocking Rachel!

So as of today, (day 8) I am feeling great. I lost 2 pounds in the first few days and have kept that off. Again, I wasn't looking to lose weight, I just really wanted to reset my eating habits and work on toning my muscles.  {especially my core--it is my weak spot}


  1. LOVE this post, Jenn!!! I'm starting my cleanse today so it was a great reminder to stay positive and focus on making myself BETTER than average :) And congrats on those jeans and the 2lbs.!!!

  2. This is awesome! So inspiring. After falling off the healthy train due to vacation this was exactly the motivation I needed to jump back on this morning! :)

  3. You my friend are a true inspiration and I am so super proud of where you are in your journey! I am so glad to have been able to help you and now to be helping you help others! LOVE IT! Love you!

  4. You are such a blessing & so positive!! It has been so awesome to see you grow in your journey and you inspire me big time! Agree about Traveler's Gift!

  5. I love this post. As mentioned on my blog, I'm currently trying to do the clean eating five days a week with two days "free." It's not as hard as I thought it'd be (although it does take some planning), and I feel so much better on the days I eat well. I'm super interested in that crock pot burrito!


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)