Sunday, March 30, 2014

Easy Like a Sunday Morning

I hope you are all having a wonderful day and being grateful for all that you have.  I'm sitting by our fireplace while B naps and hubby runs some errands.

I just wanted to share some randoms today; it seems to be my favorite thing to do here as of late.  I love looking back a what we were up to, and I am sure my family appreciates the extra pictures of sweet Brooke.

I'm still sticking to my 80/20 eating clean habits.  I will be upping the ante a bit, as I count down to our beach vacay!  Tuesday was girls' night so I snacked on a lean organic chicken burger and broccoli. YUM!

I love rolling organic turkey deli meat, and hummus into fresh lettuce leaves!

Brooke is loving crayons; not so much to draw with, but to place in her bucket. She then takes them all out. Repeat.

Over by the window is fun too.

We watched this movie Thursday night.  It was SO good.  I know a lot of people complained about the language, but I felt that it was very accurately portrayed of what life would have been like during situations like this.  I could watch this movie again.  Joe loved it so much, he keeps learning more about the real Jordan Belfort.  What a character!!  He found this interesting interview here.

Saturday evening...

Sunday morning.  Old man winter just doesn't want to leave!

I finally made myself some protein pancakes. OH MY GOSH they are so tasty!  Why is protein so important? [from our site]

It's nearly impossible to get enough protein from diet alone without also getting excess calories fat and carbohydrates. Muscle Gain® protein shake is a metabolically balanced blend of high-grade proteins that supplies amino acids and other nutrients that are essential to protein synthesis and muscle building in an easy-to-digest formula that includes digestive enzymes like papin and bromelain to improve absorption of protein. Because the muscles also need vitamins and minerals, Muscle Gain contains vitamins C and B-6 and calcium. This advanced formula offers a more comprehensive approach to sports performance than other brands of muscle-building, protein drinks. 

Is this you?
Someone who wants to add lean muscle mass 
Someone who needs more protein in your diet without excess fats and carbohydrates 
An athlete who needs high-quality protein to aid your training 
Someone who wants to retain lean muscle mass during periods of calorie restriction

I could eat these

1 Scoop vanilla Muscle Gain Protein

½ Banana (mashed)
½ Tablespoon almond milk
¼ Cup egg whites
1 Teaspoon cinnamon

I mashed the banana.  Stir in the egg whites, almond milk, and protein powder.  Pour into small pancakes over medium heat on the stove.  Drizzled a little maple syrup and some cinnamon.  Topped with fresh fruit.  Filled me right up!

Hope you enjoy your Sunday loves!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Happy Thoughts for Friday

On this Friday I am thinking and sending out happy thoughts. Baby girl is sick, I'm still getting over a cold and hubby is currently having a procedure done at that moment I'm typing this... So I am hoping for a restful weekend and that all of us are back to our crazy selves this weekend. 

It feels like Spring is trying so hard to be here, but I heard snow for this weekend...

That is ok because hubby and I have a romantical {yes I say that's a word!!} and tropical vacation on the calendar!!

         Staying at the Radisson Blu!!

Let the countdown begin!! I am so excited. We are not bringing little miss. It's just a quick getaway and she'll split her time with grandparents. They'll have a ball with her and she is in excellent hands. I know we will miss her dearly but we will FaceTime and I know it will fly by. 

I truly believe it is important to strengthen our marriage and bond as a couple. I never want to lose that spark that was formed so many years ago! 

I cannot wait to slip into a sundress and feel sand in my toes. This is going to be amazing!!! We've been there twice (day stops on cruise ships) we cannot wait to explore the island even more and experience the island nightlife. 

Spring break here we come!! Do you have any plans?! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Our Weekend Fun

Hello!  I hope everyone is doing well.  We had a great little weekend, but I am not sure if allergies have started or if I have a bit of a little cold?!  March always seems to get me!  It was this time last year I had a terrible cold and then my tinnitus began….crazy what a year brought! Anyway, I hope that if it is a small bug that Miss B doesn't get it. We were in some pretty germy environments, but we have cabin fever and must venture out from time to time!

Friday we were going to visit my sister and play at her gym {she coaches gymnastics} but I messed up the times. We got there at 10 and it started at noon. Oops.  So we went to Bounce it Out instead.  It was days like this I was so glad my husband has Fridays off. The place was virtually empty and we had a ball.  On a side note, hubby lost his FitBit in one of the blown up bounce things, and I had to go back Saturday to get it---OH MY WORD.  I was terrified at how many people and children were all in there at once!! haha

Anyway, I'm not sure who had more fun, Joe or Brooke?!

After our adventures there, Brooke napped while Joe got his haircut and then we went out to lunch.

Saturday I took Brooke to the mall and we did a little Spring shopping. [more for her than for me, in true mom fashion!] and she played at Barnes and Noble a little bit.  I picked up a new book that I am LOVING, but that's for an entirely different post.

Crazy 8 had this super cute romper. Can you stand it?!

Old Navy won me over as well.

Crazy 8 had this!

Sunday brought my father in law's birthday. We went over to their house for Sunday Sauce {Italian style, you know} and of course some Rum Cake. ---Thank you carb ease.

Grandma brought out some toys to play with...

And they even found this little rocking chair that was my husband's! How cute?!

After we left their house we took a small drive, as Brooke fell asleep and I hate to wake her.  We always like looking at the gorgeous mansions on the lake.  Daydreaming at its finest!

One day…one day.

I have my girls' night tonight and we are actually going OUT to grab a bite to eat. It will be nice to see them and have no distractions; as much as I love my little, I enjoy some adult conversations without having to multi-task.

Happy Tuesday dolls!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Baby Brooke is a Baby No More

When I first had Brooke, I will admit something; I was nervous, scared, and so worried something would happen.  I was so afraid that I would mess up and got so caught up in everything being so new, I look back and wish I could have enjoyed the moments just a little more.  Breastfeeding, up all hours, a sore recovery, my body being all sorts of out of whack…to say it was tough is an understatement.  I loved that little squishy bean, but I was just hormonally a wreck!  As a first time mommy, you really do second guess yourself on everything.  You go into it with all of these fresh ideas and hope to be super mama.

I wouldn't change anything about what we did as parents or how we handled things; but I know that the next time around, I will slow down.  I will savor each second of the squinted eye, squishy baby, wrinkled hands and feet.  Everyone said it goes by so fast, and it does; it really really does.  

Brooke is now 14 months old.

She eats A LOT.

[Girlfriend loves hummus!]

A sweet cherry treat!

Out to lunch.

She is in a 2T.

New Spring Fashions

She has a size 6.5 shoe.

She talks more than I am ready for and remembers things so well!! She is no longer a baby.  

She is literally my heart walking around outside of my body.  I am so in love with her more and more each day; it is so amazing to watch her grow and learn.  

While she continues to grow, I do too.  I learn not to be so hard on myself; that we are doing a wonderful job as parents and we will have our tough times, but that little girl is such a breath of fresh air in this crazy world.  

To look into the face of something we created is such a magical thing.  

I know when God's timing is right, we will get the chance to go through it all again; but until then, we are simply enjoying our little Brooke Lynn.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Finding Passion

I know that I have written about it before, but one thing that I wish for everyone, is happiness.  Self-fullfilled happiness.  I can't say that I was an unhappy person before I met my husband; I had a great teaching job, a college degree, was working on my Master's, owned a dog [Sadie lady] my own home, had a fantastic circle of friends who stuck by my side through some rocky times, and a supportive and loving family.

Even with all of that, and then meeting the man of my dreams, I still look back and just wasn't as happy or as grateful as I could or should have been.


I needed to work on myself.  Something that we don't teach in schools. Something that should be learned early on; I always considered myself a lifelong learner, but what I didn't know was what I should be learning.  I was afraid of any "self help" books because that sounds weird. No one wants to be helped.  People love to help each other, but the wording itself frightened me and I now know it frightens others.

Joe first gave me the 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself CDs shortly after we met.  You see, he had done a lot, and I mean A LOT of work on himself.  He may not have gone to college, but this man should have a degree in LIFE.  He dedicated his time to fueling his mind with tons of knowledge; before The Secret was even close to being released, he could have written it himself.  I'm not saying this to brag about him, {although I totally would because he really deserves the recognition he will never give himself} but he shared with me his own personal developments.  He was sweet enough to start opening those doors of self-improvement and self-love.  I've always been so very hard on myself, and still am, but one thing is for sure, each week I strive to better myself by simply tuning into to a You-tube audio version of How to Win Friends and Influence People or Power of Positive Thinking.


I pick up a book if I can and read a chapter or two of something worthy; The Traveler's Gift is a must read for everyone.

I don't say any of this to come off like we are better than everyone; I am not being boastful; I say it because everyone who is breathing is more than capable of being successful.  However, it all starts from within.  And just like anything you cannot just read one book or do one thing.

Dr. Wayne Dyer is one of my favorites and I remember him saying, "Don't die with the music still inside you."  Whatever you are passionate about, you must find a way to let that creativity out!  While I absolutely love love love staying home with Brooke and cooking all day for my loves, I won't lie; encouraging others to better their health and find financial freedom has tapped into a part of my soul that I don't think even teaching English could.

The sayings are true; the more you serve others, the more fulfilled you become.  My journey with AdvoCare is so unique to me and so special; it's funny how all of a sudden you turn a corner and it's not about you any more.  It's not about the number on my scale; it's not about my pants being too big and me needing to go buy new ones….it's so much more than that and I know that I am still only in the beginning stages of it all.

I want everyone to feel as full of life, in every way possible, as I feel each day.  I'm not saying I'm perfect.  I am not saying I don't have my doubts, fears, worries, or bad days.  But overall, for the most part, I am truly happy.  My cup of bliss runneth over!!

And I think back to my first few dates with Joe and I wish I had just jumped on this self-awareness & success bandwagon 6 years ago.  But that is not how life works.  Just as there is no diet pill.  There is no magic potion to drink and get a 6 pack.   There is nothing other than time, hard work and dedication.  If you just never quit at whatever it is that you're doing,




It may not happen after reading or listening to one book.  It may be after 20.  Maybe it's after you have tried several different activities, but once you find what you're passionate about, once you've searched long enough, I promise you, it will all be worth it.

Turn off the TV.  {OK, watch Scandal but that's! haha}

Put down the iPhone {guilty}

Pick up a book.

Listen to an audio recording.

You will hear something or read something that will click; it will resonate and change you.  And you'll come back for more, trust me.  I know.

So yes, AdvoCare does have a bunch of {amazing} vitamins, but it is so much more than that.  Leadership, honesty, integrity, teaching people how to still be people and not just humans texting or e-mailing from behind screens.

Go against the grain and put yourself out there.

I did and I will forever be grateful for that initial phone call with Nikki and Danielle.  Because as a result?  I finally understood what my husband was trying to teach me all those years ago.  Because of them taking time out of their day, I am in a MUCH better place today.

I can only hope to change as many lives as possible, as successfully as they have helped me change mine.

As much as no one wants to hear they need to be helped, all of us in some way, need a little helping of our own.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Woop It's Monday

So as much as I loved our Sunday linkup, I don't know much about html and the code isn't working right, so I guess we can't link up all together any more.  {sad face} I really loved seeing everyone's workouts! I will still try to share mine, as it really did help me get better as I progressed.

Last week's workouts:

Sunday- off
Tuesday- 45 minute walk with Brooke
Thursday- TIU Legs/Booty
Friday- off
Saturday- TIU Love your body kettle bell

Not terrible, but not my finest!  I just loved getting outside with Brooke, if only for a day.  I know that once the weather turns to a constant 50 degrees + I will be outside SO much with her!  I cannot wait.


As for St. Patrick's Day-- I'm sure we will do a little more when little B is older, but we don't do much. Hubby cannot stand corned beef or cabbage and so I made manicotti for dinner yesterday!    He did tell me we can celebrate "St. Joseph's Day"---which apparently he did while growing up. So I've been looking into it; basically you bake bread,  pastries, pasta, fish, wear red, and celebrate how Joseph is the protector of the house.

Fitting since hubby's name is Joe.  He loves the color red.  Oh and he loves sweets.  I'm on it! LOL

We had a perfect little weekend; I shamefully admit I paid $$$ to watch the third season of Scandal because only episodes 9 and up are on demand, and well, it got REAL good and I just had to watch.  Like I've said before, I am not a TV person, but man, this winter has been long and this show is so so so good!

We went to Target and picked up the correct sized curtain rod because I never measure.  I've been working on trying to get this office in order for awhile; it's my main project of 2014.  It's coming along, and I hope to have it all nice nice by summer.


I miss blogging and this post is all over the place.  Holly keeps jumping on my lap, Brooke is supposed to be napping but she is currently taking off her pjs (I am watching the monitor) and I need to hop in the shower to go sell some cloth diapers to a local mama.

PPS.  It's. Still. Snowing. Whyyyyyyyy???  Good thing I begged hubby to jump back on the vacay bandwagon and let's get outta here and into some hot sun!

'Tis life!  Happy Monday!

{Probably the most random non picture post ever. Oops!}

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sun to Snow {this and that}

Well that was fun!!  I think we got about 20 inches of snow or so and so I'm probably not going to leave my house today either!

It's just not worth it if there is no place we have to go,  I'd rather stay inside and play with Brooke all day.  I don't want to dig my Yukon out anyway!! Haha.

My husband did come home early yesterday and there is NO better feeling than having all of us home safe and sound.  It really makes me happy!

We cooked up a quick and easy recipe from [hubby's favorite recipe site!]

Smoked Gouda Bacon Wrapped Chicken…wowza!!

I made a yummy tilapia the other night too--I used Giada's Lemon Basil Pesto recipe for the topping!

So this was early Wednesday morning.

Late Wednesday night.

Thursday Morning

Crazy to think Brooke and I were walking around in the sunshine Tuesday!

Holly doesn't care for it!

Neither does Brooke

That is all! Happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Clean Eats Take 2

Happy Hump day friends!! I am stuck home in what I hope to be our last storm of this crazy Winter!  It is indeed a blizzard [not exaggerating] and I am so happy to be home safe and sound.  Rumor has it hubby gets to come home soon; seriously who buys cars in blizzards anyways??

Last week I shared a link to my clean eating post I wrote for Holly.  Well, I am pretty wordy, hey it's just in my blood and I just love to write! So she decided to break my post up into 2 parts.  The first was more on the basics of what clean eating entails; this second post is more of what I really eat on a daily basis.

I have to say I just LOVE Holly.  She is a ball of sunshine and is constantly happy! I love that in people. You just don't find them everywhere. Optimism surely is the way to go, and this girl has it.

If you're interested in reading more about my clean eating habits, take a gander.  I hope that if you're stuck in a snowstorm you are safe and sound too!

Happy Clean Eating!

Holly's blog here:

My Own Kind of Beautiful: How to Enjoy Running-Fuel Your Body pt2

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ugly Disco 2014

Oh My Goodness!  I have not had so much fun in so long!! Hubby and I have gone to the Ugly Disco 5 times now.  We've probably had the best time yet!  I think part of it has to do with having Brooke.  We used to freely go out whenever we wanted and I'm not going to lie, I totally took it for granted.  Last year we didn't go because she was only a month old and let's be honest, no one feels like shaking her booty one month postpartum [especially while nursing].  So it is safe to say, we made up for it this year!

Sometimes you just have to let loose and have fun.  Life is too short to worry.  Just live it up!

My Disco Gel Nails

Some of our disco goodies

Hair prep: My hair is pretty thick naturally, but I figured hey let's add some "oomph". Oh hey, look our wallpaper in our master bath is from the 70s! LOL

After using the above product and simply blow drying. I could barely get the brush through!

I used my flat iron and curled away from my face.  My hair held a curl so well!

I used my Bare Minerals Ready eyeshadows

And went for the winged eye!

I just LOVE this photo.

Being cheesy.

Or creepy. Either way.

Mama made sure she slammed so she could BOOGIE all night!

We had VIP and got there early.

One of the guys Joe works with.

No one could believe I had a kid.  I am telling you guys, this is the first year ever I felt 110% body confident in my disco dress and booty shorts.

I didn't crash diet,

I didn't starve,

I LOVE AdvoCare!!

I really have to say I fell in love all over again and felt like we were kids again.  My feet are still sore and Joe lost his voice at the end of the night.  We can't wait for next year!