Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Our Weekend Fun

Hello!  I hope everyone is doing well.  We had a great little weekend, but I am not sure if allergies have started or if I have a bit of a little cold?!  March always seems to get me!  It was this time last year I had a terrible cold and then my tinnitus began….crazy what a year brought! Anyway, I hope that if it is a small bug that Miss B doesn't get it. We were in some pretty germy environments, but we have cabin fever and must venture out from time to time!

Friday we were going to visit my sister and play at her gym {she coaches gymnastics} but I messed up the times. We got there at 10 and it started at noon. Oops.  So we went to Bounce it Out instead.  It was days like this I was so glad my husband has Fridays off. The place was virtually empty and we had a ball.  On a side note, hubby lost his FitBit in one of the blown up bounce things, and I had to go back Saturday to get it---OH MY WORD.  I was terrified at how many people and children were all in there at once!! haha

Anyway, I'm not sure who had more fun, Joe or Brooke?!

After our adventures there, Brooke napped while Joe got his haircut and then we went out to lunch.

Saturday I took Brooke to the mall and we did a little Spring shopping. [more for her than for me, in true mom fashion!] and she played at Barnes and Noble a little bit.  I picked up a new book that I am LOVING, but that's for an entirely different post.

Crazy 8 had this super cute romper. Can you stand it?!

Old Navy won me over as well.

Crazy 8 had this!

Sunday brought my father in law's birthday. We went over to their house for Sunday Sauce {Italian style, you know} and of course some Rum Cake. ---Thank you carb ease.

Grandma brought out some toys to play with...

And they even found this little rocking chair that was my husband's! How cute?!

After we left their house we took a small drive, as Brooke fell asleep and I hate to wake her.  We always like looking at the gorgeous mansions on the lake.  Daydreaming at its finest!

One day…one day.

I have my girls' night tonight and we are actually going OUT to grab a bite to eat. It will be nice to see them and have no distractions; as much as I love my little, I enjoy some adult conversations without having to multi-task.

Happy Tuesday dolls!!


  1. A girls night sounds fun but all of my friends have moved away or too far out to do dinner on a work night. I will be going to Jazzerise with my one friend tonight though :) Have fun!

  2. she is so pretty. so looks just like you. Looks like she had fun.. I love the small rocking chair :O)


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