Monday, March 10, 2014

This Week in Workouts

Sunday: Rest
Monday: TIU Love Your Total Body
Tuesday: Love Your Legs & Booty
Wednesday: I was SO sore in the hams/bootay! I did light yoga stretches.
Thursday: CU24 Cardio: Melt Move [200 cals boo ya!]
Friday: Rest
Saturday: TIU Love Your Body KettleBell workout {seriously my fave!} and I know I burned a few cals at the Ugly Disco.  Hubby and I boogie oogied for hours!! My feet are killing me.

I am obviously loving the TIU series.  It is quick, effective and I am seeing results!! Anyone can make time for 15 minutes.  It's just a matter of DOING so.  I am so happy to feel this great! Combine these awesome workouts with the right eating and correct supplements, I am feeling AMAZING!

Seriously.  I keep going back and forth on a gym membership but I looked in the mirror last night and thought dang, I'm doing just fine here at home! Just think of when the weather breaks and I'll be even more active outside!

Again, I am so happy that we started this linkup.  I've come a long way and feel so much stronger than I did in the beginning.  Thank you to all of you who continue to linkup and inspire me each week! Let's get it this week ladies!!

Haha a sneak peek at our Disco pics!!
Disco Fever


I'd love to hear from you. Each & every comment is so very much appreciated!! :)