Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekend Fun {Lamb, New Ride, Meatballs}

I am such a happy girl with this WARM weather!!  Friday was heavenly as hubby has off, so I snuck out for some mommy time---I went with the pink and white again. I just love them; I hope I don't break them doing all of my housework haha!

My husband arranged for my MIL to come over so he could take me for a ride in his new car!  OOTN w/ a Holly photo bomb

We went to a fun little bistro and had gourmet sirloin burgers.  Here's his new baby!
We were home a little after 6, but it was still nice to sneak out for just a bit. {Thank you Mama Maria!}

Saturday little miss was into everything.

Literally got stuck in between the chair.

Then she insisted on playing with the humidifier.  She was quite proud of herself for putting the top on.

Saturday evening was really low key. Herbal tea and early to bed.

Sunday brought more warmth and a little gratitude. My mom gave me this at Christmas; I shamefully admit I just took it out.  I love it! Quick little anecdotes to read daily….

I got my Kettlebell workout in on Sunday--feeling strong!

Early afternoon we went to Joe's grandma's house.  She nursed this little lamb [Ben] to health.

Homemade sauce that simmered since 8:30 am.  We totally snuck a few meatballs before dinner was served!! So darn good.  No one can replicate grandma's meatballs...

We got to take another quick ride in the vette!  Needed some of this because the sun was so hot!

Brooke just loved being outside.

But the absolute highlight of the weekend?  Brooke meeting Ben, the lamb.

How adorable is she with the lamb?!

And of course I had to take a few videos…

She just had a ball seeing Benny the lamb.

I hope your weekend was as fun as ours!! What Spring-like things did you do?


  1. Hot momma! Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  2. Oh my goodness, Brooke and that lamb?! Dying. Adorbs.

    I've thought of getting pink & white again instead of color on my nails but I'm really into color lately!! Maybe someday I'll go back to it :)

  3. Seriously, a real lamb? How ridiculously adorable!!

  4. Looks like you had a great weekend! I am already ready for this weekend. Lots of busy things planned for us.

    The book looks like something I should pick up. I took your idea from the past blog post and went to the library alone and it sure was nice! I picked up a couple books too :) I love to read!

    Love those nails and that car!! You guys will have fun in that :)


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