Saturday, August 16, 2014

19 Weeks: Baby 2

Holy cow, we are in those final few days of, "baby" and pretty soon, we will know GIRL or BOY!!  We go on Wednesday for our gender scan!! Ahhhh! 

19 Weeks
Baby is the size of:

A mango. Not even a pound yet!


I don't know!?!


A little bit of a roller coaster.  I was all pumped, motivated and excited to be organizing my closets/clean out the soon to be nursery, and that kept me busy…but I really started to miss Joe as he worked a ton on another tent sale, so that was a little hard this week. I am hoping the weather warms up a bit and we can make the most out of the remainder of Summer!  I try not to be over emotional, but I get a bit teary here and there. I am very excited about finding out the sex of the baby.


I just can't seem to get enough.  I toss and turn a bit, but we are in bed by 10 or so and I get up around 7.  Yesterday I was nodding off and just so sleepy--{I blame the sudden cold temps!}


I have been feeling SO awesome and then late Wednesday night the dreaded heartburn has returned. I notice it's when I eat some of my favorites like FRUIT. I had an apple and almond butter and a few chews/swallows in--Wahhhh. I know it's something I just have to deal with, as I made it through with Brooke, but it's really not one of my favorite symptoms!  I know I have to eat, but I'm starting the, open the fridge and stare--what do I have to eat phase…I am trying to keep it healthy without the burn.  I still have some hip pain, but the chiropractor and my walks are keeping it manageable.  Itchy belly/boobs--so I keep using lotion.  I'm starting to outgrow some of my newer shorts I bought this time around.  Oh and I'm really drinking tons of water, so I pee all.of.the.time.  I also have this nesting instinct to cook a bunch of meals and organize everything.  I also have this urge to be around family, but my family is not really close by so Brooke and I are alone a lot and that makes me sad.

Tired--Brooke and I just chilling on the couch.

But then her toddler energy kicks into high gear!

I still want a damn cheeseburger.  Pickle. Mustard. Ketchup.  

If you really wanna know, I want salmon sushi drizzled with lemon and a little wasabi.  A tuna hand roll and a glass of Pinot Grigio. But those won't happen til January.

I take Brooke on walks.  We even walked to the park and played around for an hour.  I am doing my stretches and need to pull out the pre-natal yoga dvd. I'm thinking about doing a prenatal water aerobics at the Y…but I really don't love indoor pools.  Have you prego mamas ever done a class like that?

Best moment of the week:

Joe came home Thursday and I was sleeping on the couch--tired I tell ya!-- and he laid next to me and Brooke was still napping.  I told him the baby was moving and so he put his hand on my lower abdomen; low and behold, he felt the baby! It was one strong kick or punch or push whatever but he felt it! Pretty cool. 

Looking forward to:

Wednesday's Gender Reveal.  I was thinking of doing a party, but everyone has whacky schedules and I just don't have the patience or desire to make anyone angry or try to make people happy, so my mama in law is coming over to watch Brooke and we will just go and find out! I still have no clue!

Thursday night I am attending a freezer meal workshop and I'm probably a little too excited for that.  I just want to be ahead of the game and get some meals in my freezer to make life easier, after baby and even when I just don't feel like cooking super duper prego.

1 comment:

  1. You look amazing lady!! SO excited for your u/s! Can't wait to hear! And have a cheese burger mama!! Enjoy!


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