Monday, August 4, 2014

Last Challenge of Summer

If you remember, it was about a year ago I started my first 24 Day Challenge with AdvoCare. [here]  It was actually the beginning of my journey towards being a healthier version of me; a stronger version of me; overall, a BETTER ME!!  While I obviously cannot cleanse or use some products, I can hold myself accountable for eating cleaner.  I am NOT eating for two this time; I am enjoying foods in moderation, but still really trying to maintain my 80/20 rule.

Looking at that photo below, I'm like oh my goodness, I think my stomach is smaller right now 4 months prego than it was 6 months postpartum!! And in 24 days, look at that.  What a reminder that ANYTHING is possible, just focus and believe.

My girlfriend is doing a challenge so I am throwing it out there, who wants to join us?  I need to hold myself a little more accountable and back to eating clean foods, and MORE greens!  I would love to have a little support group here.

I know that I feel more positive when I eat cleaner and move more too; if you're stuck in a rut, just try it!!

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous that we can now "build your own bundles" and mix up whatever flavors you want!!  How cool.  I would STRONGLY encourage the add-ons, Thermoplus, Catalyst and Carb-ease.   With that, I must once again thank my friend Nikki for pushing me, when I needed it.  Thanks friend/coach!!  She is such a fireball and is doing such a great job with her new bundle of joy.  Love ya girl!

I am forever grateful for her interrupting my life and I know I say it a lot, but I will NEVER be on a diet--and Brooke will NEVER hear me say that.  I know it is so crucial for children, especially girls, to not be bombarded with thinking that they're fat, or mom is constantly trying to crash diet etc.  On top of it, all while getting healthy, I am still able to continue to our family's finances.  I still am in awe of that.  

So Summer is still rocking and you've got one more chance to challenge before Fall!  It's not easy, but I promise it will be worth it.  

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