Saturday, August 30, 2014

Saturday Randoms

Hey hey, it's Saturday!! I am excited to have Joe home an extra day this weekend.  Of course he's working today, but we had a nice day yesterday.   We were able to pick out paint for baby boy's room, started narrowing down new carpet ideas, and are ready to tackle his room hopefully tomorrow!

This week was nice--warm, but breezy and I tried to get outside with Brooke as much as we could.

She loves trying on our "shoe-shoes"

Tuesday we went shopping with my friend and her kids. I rocked the bump.

I had to buy baby boy a few things…it was Gap card Tuesday (extra 10% off!) and 20-30% on top of that.  I also grabbed some socks (so cute right?!) and hats (they say "new arrival" at H & M.  I am doing the same thing I did for Brooke and buying bigger. I had one newborn onesie and she wore it twice and was out of it. 0-3 and 3-6 months will be fine.

Now that I've had a winter baby, I know exactly what I liked/what worked best.  Obviously cute dresses aren't even an option, but I didn't put Brooke in them much when she was little anyway.  I like soft materials that are cozy and warm!

So this Target purchase may have happened. #handsomelikedaddy

I bought this is 6 month size, but that is like 12.5 lb and I am pretty sure Brooke was that at one month. We have big babes!

Fall is rearing its head, and I spotted one little mum poking through!

Brooke needed some cooler weather sleepers and these 3T (Carters) from Target fit!

Brooke's doing really well--I was brushing her teeth last night and did notice her back molars are coming through--she has not been eating as much and has been pulling on her ears.  I also think she's a bit more clingy and that explains it.  Poor girl!

She got a "bloon" from visiting Daddy at work, while I ran Sadie to the vet next door. [sidenote: don't give your dog Nylabones, as they can BREAK THEIR TEETH. What??  Oy, so now we need to get a tooth extracted and all that jazz. I swear I've never had such high maintenance dogs!]

How are baby and I doing?  Quite well!  I definitely do a lot during the early part of the day and then by the end of the day, 7/8 I am DONE. I just want to put my feet up and relax.

Still having prego brain-- I totally shaved my legs and my left armpit, but completely forgot the right one.  Noticed that last night after running around in a tank top all day. #awesome

Used up all but one egg yesterday and was going to make sure I get to the grocery store…but forgot. This morning Joe got one egg and we ate some organic frozen waffles.  Thank goodness I had something on hand! I made him a pb&j for a snack too because I felt bad. Oops!

Wish list:

While I am trying to be super practical with baby #2, there are a few things I am looking into that I did not have for Brooke.  I used a K'tan for her when she seemed a little fussy or I wanted to wear her and I loved it.  I just know that to make my life easier, I will be wearing little boy a lot more-- so I am looking into ring slings.  I hear that Sakura Bloom are really wonderful linen sling that hold up well and are somewhat stylish haha.

I'm loving this color.

I have a bouncy seat I used for Brooke but it is really near the floor and doesn't rock. We barely used it; I would put Brooke in it while I showered/did my hair.  I LOVE our swing, but that thing is pretty big and bulky so it stays on our first floor. I am thinking this may be helpful for when we are upstairs and I don't want Brooke sitting on him or something.  It seems easy to travel with too, so if we go some place we don't have to carry the huge pack and play everywhere. I won't use it for sleeping the night, only because we are very big on putting baby in crib as soon as we can…it worked really well for Brooke, so I'm hoping he does as well as she did.


I still need silly things like boy bibs, more sleepers, etc. But I will pace myself and I have a feeling even though I won't have a baby shower/sprinkle, Christmas is right before we are due, so we may get a few things there too.  Goodness knows I won't want much under that tree for me! It's all about the kiddos this year!

OK I need to get my booty to the grocery store for some eggs..which I really try not to do on a Saturday. Ca-razy!  Happy Labor Day weekend. Enjoy the last weekend of Summer!


  1. that rock n play.. a MUST! we loved it.. and you know me.. she slept right next to me until I felt comfortable to sleep with her in our bed so this thing was perfect to place right next to me in bed.. and it's light and easy to bring whenever we went on vacay.. she always slept in that.. never needed a pack n play.. ps. You definitely need a Sprinkle! hello! i will throw a virtual one if you aren't going to have one.. i'm serious ;)


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