Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Brooke 20 months!

Crazy to think that Brooke is 20 months…and that in just 4 short months, she'll be 2 and a big sister. Ah! I haven't shared any photos of her lately and it's just killing me haha. So, here are some of my faves from the last few weeks.  We've been busy!

One of my favorites: cuddling with Daddy, as I said it was "bedtime" and she clearly was not ready to say goodnight.

Our first gymnastics class--Coach Bri aka Aunt Brianna!

I was so bummed this was blurry, but she finally went into the foam pit and enjoyed it for a small fraction of time.

She loves the bars and is so strong!

Getting ready for Thursday night swim class with Daddy.

Weather permitting, we still play outside with our "water table" haha. I never did splurge on one of those things…we made it through with bowls of water and bubble machines just fine.

Lots of lazy cuddles--between the episode with Sadie and all, momma has been a little tired.

Pre gymnastics face!

Waiting for the rain to subside so we could grab our CSA bag.

Soccer Tots--she got her t-shirt Saturday! Buddy Blake goes too. So fun!

On Saturday before we did the CCFA Crohn's walk, we stopped at a mall so Joe could get some work shirts.  She started throwing a HUGE fit in Banana Republic and yelling "eat eat eat"… I had given her a yogurt before we left, but when a toddler is hungry, a toddler is hungry--plus she's like her mama and may or may not get "hangry".

Of course I go to the food court and the options to eat there are just fabulous…so we opted for Subway. She doesn't eat her bun, but she did have a few slices of turkey, cheese, tomato and a little juice.  Which is a splurge for her, because we don't really do juice.

Thank goodness I fed her something because she was an angel during the walk!

Yeah…a two mile walk was a bit more than I realized.  Crazy how much our bodies change when we are pregnant. I can't wait to run again!

Monday we woke up with our first cold of the season.  She was pretty rough when she first got up, and wouldn't eat a lot, but once I got some fluids and food in her, she started doing a little better.

I also busted out my Young Living Essential Oils-- I tested out a spot on her arm and we were good to go.  I mixed a little coconut oil and Thieves and put it on her feet w/ socks.

I also diffused Thieves and we snuggled.  It smells wonderful and I swear she was up and moving around more so after each time I diffuse.  Can't hurt, right? Even Holly loved on her, which never happens!

You can check out the oils HERE

So we are staying home from gymnastics today, just to be sure we are all better.  Well, she seems to be better but MY throat is KILLING me.  Plus pregnancy is making it hard to fall asleep and I wake up early.  We'll be reading lots of books and playing quietly today.  


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